Title: Good Cop, Bad Cop
writerverse challenge #38 quick fic amnesty, prompt ‘good & bad’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: NCIS
Character(s): Abby Sciuto, Tony DiNozzo, Tim McGee
Summary: Tony and McGee running an interrogation is not to be missed.
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library Good Cop, Bad Cop
Gibbs was the best at interrogation, of course, but Abby especially liked to be in the observation room when Tony and McGee questioned a suspect together.
She had seen enough police dramas to appreciate the effectiveness of the good cop/bad cop dynamic, but her team took it to a whole new level. They started with the obvious, McGee as the rule-abiding good cop and Tony as the wild-talking bad cop. Then, they’d switch- McGee would start rattling off evidence until Tony broke in, offering the suspect a way out that was really a way to incriminate themselves.
They never failed.
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