[Stargate: Drabble] "Comfort Food" [SG-22, G]

Feb 17, 2016 16:25

Title: Comfort Food
Prompt: writerverse challenge #33 what’s for dinner? (write about meal/cooking)
Word Count: 323
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: It’s Gryff’s turn to make dinner, but she’s not quite up to it.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Comfort Food

“Whose turn is it to make dinner?” Gryff asked, tiredly, as she unlocked the back door and let them into the dark kitchen.

“Yours, sir,” said Jason, flicking on the lights. “Means you get to pick.”

“Do we even have any food?” she asked.

Levi went to check their refrigerator, while Toby grabbed her coat sleeve before she could aggravate her bruised ribs getting herself out of it.

“Not much,” the sociologist reported.

“We got any bread?” asked Gryff. “Cheese?”

“Yes… to both,” said Levi. “And there’s condensed tomato soup in the cupboard.”

The redhead grinned at him. “You know me so well. Okay, boys, let me grab the skillet and we can get-”

“You are going to sit down and stay there,” said Toby. “I will not be subjected to another of Doc Fraiser’s lectures on taking proper care of injuries, because you can’t sit still.”

“But it’s my turn to cook,” she protested.

Jason plopped a loaf of bread and the tub of margarine on the table in front of her. “Plenty you can do sitting down, sir.”

“Soup’s already in the microwave, Gryff,” added Levi. “Better get buttering.”

She smiled and opened the bread bag. By the time she’d buttered the first two pieces, Jason had the frying pan up to temperature, and Levi was ladling tomato soup into bowls at the table. Hot soup and melting cheese did more to ease the tension in Gryff’s shoulders than the painkillers Janet had prescribed, and after her team had turned the entire loaf into grilled cheese sandwiches, she was more than happy to stay put while Levi washed the dishes.

“One more dose, then bed,” said Toby.

He held out two white pills and a glass of water, which Gryff took. “You guys are awesome,” she said.

Her team smiled back at her. “That’s just the drugs talking, sir,” said Jason, as they all headed upstairs for some much-needed sleep.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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