[Stargate: Drabble] "Try New Things" [SG-22, G]

Feb 05, 2016 22:31

Title: Try New Things
Prompt: writerverse challenge #24 weekly quick fic #9, prompt ‘bangers ‘n’ mash’
Word Count: 263
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: Gryff cooks SG-22 a dinner that Jason’s not too sure about.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Try New Things

“What is it?” Jason asked, suspiciously, sitting farther back from the kitchen table than he usually did.

“You just said it smelled good,” said Gryff, still half in the fridge.

“That was before I knew it looked like this,” he protested. “Really, sir, what is it?”

“Haven’t you ever heard the saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’?” asked Toby. He took the ketchup bottle Gryff passed him, then the container of butter. “Or ‘always try new things?”

“Hey, bangers and mash!” said Levi, as he came in the back door. “Gryff, you remembered.”

She smiled. “I always remember when you guys tell me stuff. But this was one of the meals I thought I could actually make.”

“It smells delicious,” Levi said, hanging up his coat and scarf, and heading straight for the table. “Jase, aren’t you hungry?”

“I, um…”

Gryff sat down and poured herself a glass of juice. “It’s not going to bite you, Jase. It’s just sausage and mashed potatoes, with gravy.”

“What, really?” he said, looking at his plate again. “That’s all?”

“British food just has a bad rep,” said Toby. “Don’t you remember Levi telling stories of his semester studying at Oxford, and all the weird stuff he tasted, that turned out to be good?”

“And my family lived in England a couple of years when I was tiny,” added Gryff. “I know Mom made it at least once. I called her up to make sure I was cooking it right.”

Jason smiled and took a bite. “Hey, that’s good!” he said, and his team laughed.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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