[Original: Drabble] "Perseids" [Zeke Jones, G]

Jan 14, 2016 16:12

Title: Perseids
Prompt: writerverse challenge #02 september mini table of doom
Book Title Used: A Shooting Star (A Novel About Annie Oakley, by Sheila Solomon Klass)
Word Count: 238
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original ( Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: Zeke and Howell watch the meteor shower.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


“Hey, sir,” I called, when the access door to the roof opened. “Did you bring the blankets?”

“The door was unlocked,” said Howell, from behind me. “I could have been anyone.”

“Nah, I could smell your blood,” I said.

My partner stopped walking. “Really?”

I turned and smiled. “No, sir. It doesn’t work like that. But I did recognize your footsteps coming up the stairs.”

Howell didn’t smile, but his expression softened. “Not bad, rookie. And I do have blankets.”

“Great,” I said. “Thanks, sir.”

I’d discovered I didn’t actually have any spare blankets in my apartment, but I’d made a start with a couple of big, squishy pillows. Howell sat carefully next to me, with the pillows against the wall of the bump-out that held the roof access door and stairwell, and spread a thick, plaid wool blanket over our laps.

“What are we looking at?” he asked.

I held out the astronomy text book I’d been holding in my lap.

“Perseus is that way, sir. The meteor shower doesn’t start, exactly- it’s already going on, technically- but it should be dark enough to see it any moment now.”

We were quiet for a long moment, before I spotted a streak of brightness against the dark sky.

“There, sir! Make a wish!”

“You make one?” he asked.


He snorted and set a metal thermos onto the roof with a click. “It’s coffee.”

I grinned. “Wish granted.”


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, zeke_jones, writerverse

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