[Original: Drabble] "On High" [Zeke Jones, G]

Jan 12, 2016 16:11

Title: On High
Prompt: writerverse challenge #02 september mini table of doom
Book Title Used: Windchaser (Dinotopia #1, by Scott Ciencin)
Word Count: 272
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original ( Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: Zeke rescues a stranded kite.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

On High

“It’s up there,” said the kid, who had flagged us down as we made our patrol past the park.

Howell and I looked up- and up, and up- into the branches of a large oak tree, before I spotted the speck of a red kite in the topmost branch.

“Well, somebody will have to go up and get it,” my partner said, as though ‘somebody’ would ever possibly mean two-hundred-pound werewolf instead of hundred-and-thirty-pound vampire.

I frowned. “Up there?”

“Can you get it?” the kid asked, painfully hopeful.

I sighed. The boy couldn’t have been any older than eight, and not a single parent-type figure had come to see why he was talking to a pair of cops, which meant there was probably nobody else he could ask.

“Yeah, I can get it,” I said, and unbuckled my utility belt for Howell to hold.

My partner gave me a boost up to the lowest branch, and I hoisted myself upward, muttering under my breath about why it was always me who had to climb into trees, and storm drains, and weird crawl spaces, but if Howell could hear me, he ignored me as usual.

Finally, just as the branches got too small to hold my weight, I saw the red kite and tugged it carefully free. It was trickier getting back down, especially with the kite tied to my belt loop, but Howell caught me as I slid from the last branch.

“Thank you, officer!” the kid said, when I handed over the kite.

“Find a bigger park to fly it in,” I told him. “With fewer trees.”

He nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”


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drabble, original fiction, zeke_jones, writerverse

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