[Stargate: Drabble] "On High" [SG-22, G]

Dec 29, 2015 16:18

Title: On High
Prompt: writerverse challenge #28 august table of doom #14
Band: Trout Fishing in America
Lyric(s): I was climbing in a tree/When I fell and skinned my knee/It hurt but I didn’t cry at all (“I Think I’ll Need a Bandaid”)
Word Count: 274
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: Gryff gets a little perspective.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

On High

“Well, that’s easy,” said Toby. “Someone will just have to climb a tree and tell us how far we ended up from the ‘gate.”

Gryff scowled. “Why do you say ‘someone’ when you clearly mean me?”

“Makes it sound more fair, sir,” said Jason. “But the lieutenant and I are too heavy to get high enough, and Lee is afraid of heights.”

“I’m not afraid of heights,” Levi protested. “I just have a healthy respect for them.”

“Which leaves me climbing a tree,” said Gryff. “Hold these, and give me a boost.”

She shrugged out of her pack, tac vest and jacket, then let Jason hoist her up to grab the lowest branch. It was an easy climb- the tree had evenly-spaced branches, sturdy enough to not even wobble under her weight for more than thirty feet and rough bark that kept her boots from slipping after the branches started to narrow.

“Hey!” Gryff called down, after she’d made it five feet from the top. “It’s about a mile that way!”

“What?” her team called back.

The redhead laughed and started back down. It was always a little harder going backwards, and about halfway, Gryff missed a particularly angled branch, sliding toward the trunk and rasping her knee against the bark.

“A mile that way,” she repeated, once she’d reached the ground.

“Great, sir,” said Jason. “We can- You’re hurt!”

“What?” Gryff looked down, to find a smear of something dark on her pant leg. “Huh,” she said. “Thanks, Jase, now it hurts.”

Toby rooted through his pack for the first aid kit. “First aid first,” he said. “Then we’ll walk.”

She smiled. “Sure.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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