[Stargate: Drabble] "Checked Out" [SG-22, G]

Dec 21, 2015 22:02

Title: Checked Out
Prompt: writerverse challenge #28 august table of doom #05
Band: Trout Fishing in America
Lyric(s): And all the books I’ve read and all the things I know/But the mystery lives on (“The Rifle and the Song”)
Word Count: 268
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: Sometimes, Gryff is also the base librarian.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Checked Out

A lot of the time, Jason forgot that Gryff was a librarian.

It seemed like a hard thing to forget, with her being as nerdy as she was, having a book quote at the ready for just about any occasion, but when they were fighting their way to the ‘gate after four days in a deep naquadah mine and she was covering their escape with increasingly-accurate staff weapon fire, it wasn’t exactly something he thought about.

At least, not until they got back to the SGC.

“Gryff, you’re supposed to be resting,” Toby protested, sounding like he knew she wouldn’t listen as they stopped in the doorway of the tiny base library.

“I was gone for less than a week!” said Gryff.

There weren’t that many books in the small room to begin with, mostly a motley collection of dog-eared paperbacks and out-of-print research materials, but it looked as if someone had gone through every one of them, not quite putting them back where they belonged.

“Less than a week,” Gryff repeated. She moved to grab a stack of books and winced when she bumped her sprained wrist. “Who could have possibly…?”

“Give me that, sir,” said Jason, and took the books from her. “Lee, can you check the computer?”

Levi sat at the check-out desk, and booted up the computer. “Ah,” he said. “The last dozen books were checked out by Daniel Jackson.”

Gryff sighed. “I’m gonna smack that clueless archaeologist…” she began, and was halfway down the hall before her team caught up with her.

“Not until your wrist heals,” Toby said, and she laughed, “Okay.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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