[Stargate: Drabble] "Safe and Warm" [Sam/Jack, G]

Dec 18, 2015 16:38

Title: Safe and Warm
Prompt: writerverse challenge #28 august table of doom #01
Band: Trout Fishing in America
Lyric(s): The crickets’ serenade echoes softly through the night/The stars are on the lake, and the moon is shining bright (“Lullaby”)
Word Count: 265
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1/Atlantis
Pairings: implied Sam Carter/Jack O’Neill
Summary: Sam accidentally visits her happy place.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Safe and Warm

Sam blinked and found herself in Minnesota. That was somewhat disconcerting, because the moment before, she’d been running across an planet in the Pegasus Galaxy, clutching the hand of a little girl who-

“What is this place?”

The girl was standing a few feet behind her, looking at the cabin with wide gray eyes. The dress she had been wearing was now clean, not torn and dirtied like it had been a moment before, and her hair was in a neat braid. She turned back to Sam, expectant.

“It’s Jack’s cabin,” Sam said, then shook her head. “This is a place on my planet called Minnesota, and this house belongs to a friend of mine. But how-?”

“It isn’t real,” the girl said, a little guiltily. “I’m not supposed to do this on my own, but I was scared, and you were thinking so loudly…”

“Where are we?” Sam asked.

“It’s a sort of other place,” she said. “We go here when the Wraith come. It looks different for every person, but I guess I’m not old enough to have my own, yet, so I borrowed yours.”

Sam looked back at the cabin, moonlight shining on the dark wood siding, a light breeze ruffling the trees and stirring the pond enough to make the reflection of the stars dance. “Why here?” she asked.

The girl shrugged. “It’s where you feel safe and happy.”

“I- Yeah,” said Sam. “I’ve always been happy here.” She held out her hand. “Can you take us back?”

“Sure!” the girl said, and Sam watched the cabin until it disappeared.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sam/jack, writerverse

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