[Stargate: Drabble] "Being Evil" [SG-22, G]

Dec 16, 2015 16:12

Title: Being Evil
Prompt: writerverse challenge #20 weekly quick fic #7, prompts ‘I think I’ll be evil today’ & ‘possibility’
Bonus: past tense
Word Count: 372
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: “Soldiers of the Tau’ri, hear the voice of your goddess!”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Being Evil

“Hey, this is nice,” said Jason, bouncing a little in General Hammond’s chair. “Doc Jackson wasn’t kidding.”

“Our leader has good taste,” said Gryff, then paused. “Think it’s time for my speech now?”

Toby checked his watch. “Sure. Don’t forget your voice.”

The redhead grinned and clicked on a tiny device on her collar, before picking up the phone and activating the base-wide intercom. “Soldiers of the Tau’ri!” she cried, her voice now reverberating with fake-Goa’uld inflection. “Hear the voice of your goddess, Cloacina! Surrender yourselves, and I will show you mercy. Resist, and your deaths will be… unpleasant.”

“Nice,” said Levi, when she had hung up the receiver again. “But why ‘Cloacina’? Did I miss a memo?”

“Ancient Roman goddess of Rome’s sewer system,” she said.

Her team laughed with her. “Good choice,” said Toby. He perched on the edge of Hammond’s desk. “How long do you figure before the first new kid makes it up this far?”

“Ooh, tough call,” said Jason. “Sir?”

Gryff considered, but before she could answer, a soft warning alarm began beeping. “That’ll be SG-2 coming back,” she said, and ducked out of the office door. “Sergeant…?”

“We’re receiving Captain Ferretti’s IDC, ma’am,” said Harriman.

She nodded, coming into the Control Room and stopping beside him. “Open the iris.”

In the Gate Room below, the four members of SG-2 came clomping down the ramp, and waved up at them.

Gryff leaned over to the mic. “Hurry along to the infirmary, boys,” she called, then flicked on her Goa’uld voice again. “Or you shall face the wrath of your goddess.”

Ferretti laughed. “Man, that’s creepy, Gryff. How’d you get tapped for villain duty?”

“Just lucky, I guess. Move it, Lou.”

He tossed her a mocking salute, and his team left.

“You’d better go, too, ma’am,” said Harriman. “One of the cadet teams has made it to level twenty-six.”

“Not bad,” said Gryff. “What kind of odds to you give them actually beating us?”

He looked up at her. “Your whole team, ma’am?”

“One not-so-humble Goa’uld and her loyal newly-minted Jaffa.”

Harriman smiled. “I’d bet on you, then.”

There was the sound of Intar fire from far away, and Gryff smiled wickedly. “Time to be evil,” she said.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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