[Stargate: Drabble] "To the Trees" [SG-22, G]

Nov 03, 2015 16:21

Title: To the Trees
Prompt: writerverse challenge #32 random words (words must be in story)
Word Count: 274
Rating: G
Fandom or Original: Stargate SG-1 SG-22, original characters
Summary: SG-22 join an off-world festival of trees.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

To the Trees

The people of P3X-9947 held an annual festival to honor the forest around their village, which was celebrated by everyone, from the oldest grandmother to the tiniest baby, spending the night in the branches of the towering oak trees.

SG-8 had failed to mention this fact when they passed the check-back mission to Gryff’s team, and she was already planning the talking-to she was going to give them later. She was fine with heights, liked them in fact, but Levi in particular was not a fan.

“The whole night?” he repeated. “Sleeping in a tree?”

“It has been done for generations, Dr. Flannigan,” said the village headman, a tiny elderly man called Grandfather Ellon. “The trees will allow no harm to come to you.”

Still, they let Gryff go first up the tree, finding the least-scary path for Levi to follow, with Toby and Jason sticking close below in case he fell. “Come on, Lee,” she said, as they reached the top. “Tell me this view isn’t worth it?”

He settled next to her on the branch, fingers twisted into the lacing on her tac vest, but let out a low, amazed breath. “Wow.”

The forest stretched almost to the horizon, to the small sliver of crystal blue ocean they could see beyond, and they could see other heads poking out of the trees, enjoying the view.

Jason crowded in beside them, rooting in the sociologist’s vest for his camera. “We need a photo of this,” he said. “SG-8 is gonna be mad they missed it.”

“I’ll add it to the lecture I’m planning on complete intel sharing,” said Gryff, and her team laughed.


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drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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