[Original: Drabble] "Police Report" [Zeke Jones, G]

Oct 16, 2015 22:30

Title: Police Report
Prompt: writerverse challenge #03 march mini table of doom, prompt #19 ‘routine’
Word Count: 268
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original ( Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: Zeke takes solace in finishing her paperwork.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Police Report

The first thing they tell you about, at the Police Academy, is routine and procedure. It’s a good place to start, don’t get me wrong, all that procedure is really important. But the part they don’t mention is that for all those procedures, all those routines, what really gets you is the unexpected.

Sure, Howell and I patrol the same areas night after night, but it’s an absolute toss-up as to what we’re going to encounter. Some nights, it’s nothing but false alarms, backfiring cars and teenagers causing mischief, but sometimes, it was heart-breaking crimes, break-ins and assaults, robberies and murders, everyone racing to solve the case that there isn’t anything left over at the end of the shift- whenever that comes.

And that’s where the routine helps, too.

Like tonight, when it was a murder in Kensington, and Howell and I spent all night canvasing apartment buildings, showing the victim’s photograph to person after person, with not a single one even recognizing the guy. No one had heard anything or seen anything or knew anything that might help at all, and we went back to the precinct to write up our reports on the nothing we’d found.

There was a small amount of comfort in the familiar phrases, the official words that meant we haven’t found anything, but we’re still trying.

“Jones,” said Howell, and my head snapped up- I hadn’t realized I’d been slumping over my desk. “You finished?”

I looked down and discovered that I was. “Yes, sir.”

“Then go home. I’ll be by to get you tomorrow night for our shift.”

I nodded. “Thanks.”


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, zeke_jones, writerverse

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