Title: Fire Fighters
writerverse challenge #34 quick fic amnesty, prompt ‘blue fire’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original (
Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: Jones and Howell deal with a small, furry, fiery problem.
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library Fire Fighters
“Sir, I need your help,” I said, over the phone, and waited impatiently for the unmistakable knock on my apartment door.
“You said it was urgent,” said Howell, warningly, then frowned. “Is something burning?”
“Crap!” I said, and darted for the bathroom.
Samhain, by half-sidhe/half-bakeneko cat crouched at one end of the bathtub, while the other was currently on fire. I picked up the extinguisher from the sink and put it out.
“She’s sick,” I began, just as Sammy let out a meowing cough- and sneezed a flicker of blue flame onto the rug.
Howell sighed. “I’ll get another extinguisher.”
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