[Stargate: Drabble] "Tied Up" [SG-22, G]

Mar 25, 2015 23:23

Title: Tied Up
Prompt: writerverse challenge #24 dialogue only
Word Count: 357
Rating: G
Fandom or Original: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: Toby and Levi wake up in the dark.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Tied Up

“Lee? Levi? Levi Flannigan, wake up!”

“What!? Toby… what?”

“You okay?”

“Are we tied to a wooden post in the pitch dark?”

“It would appear so.”

“Then, no, I’m not okay. What happened?”

“Don’t know. Lee, really, are you hurt?”

“Well, my head hurts, but I think I’m okay. But, um, have I ever mentioned that I don’t really like the dark?”

“Yeah, you’ve mentioned it. I’d help if I could.”

“I know, Toby. Gryff and Jason?”

“Not here. Hopefully, they got away and are bringing help.”

“And if we’re not feeling hopeful?”

“Then we’re on our own. Are you tied up like me, wrists behind you, feet loose?”

“Yeah. Feels cold in front of me. A cave, maybe? And kind of warm behind- What the hell was that!?”

“Sorry, sorry, that was just me. Is that you?”

“Holding my hand? I really hope so.”

“That’s me, Levi. Scoot over to your right. Your other right. Okay! I can feel the knot, hold still while I…”

“I’m loose!”

“Quiet! What if they hear you?”

“Sorry. Okay, Toby, let me get yours.”

“Thanks, Lee. Stay here for a second, and keep talking. I want to feel my way around, and I need to know where you are.”

“Um, okay. What should I talk about? I mean, usually, you guys are all telling me to shut up. But I can talk if you need me to talk. I can talk about… oh, I read this article the other day, about the- God, Toby, don’t do that!”

“Sorry. But I found an exit. You were right about this being a cave, and there’s nothing here but us and the pole we were tied to. And we’ve been talking out loud this whole time, so if nobody’s come by now, we should try to make a break for it.”

“Right. I wish Gryff were here.”

“Thanks, Lee.”

“What? No, I mean… You didn’t see any light, through the exit, right? We could be really deep in this cave, and Gryff is really good at getting out of mazes.”

“Yeah, she is. But we’ll be fine. Right?

“Right. Lead the way, Toby.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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