[Stargate: Drabble] "Going Home" [John/Rodney, G]

Mar 09, 2015 22:52

Title: Going Home
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 400
Prompt: mcsheplets challenge #061 ‘the other side of the deadline’ (#038 ‘together apart’)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Setting: sequel to Two Gentlemen
Summary: John and Rodney go to a party.

Going Home

Rodney had always hated social engagements, especially parties, but they seemed more grueling since he had moved to London. Not that these parties were any worse than elsewhere- giggling, flitting, too-rich idiots got on his nerves in any city- but now, parties were so much harder because he was forced to stand by while John dance with countless beautiful, charming ladies while Rodney could not risk more than touching John’s elbow in public.

At least he could watch John, though, and Rodney found that he did not so much envy the grace of the other man’s movements as enjoy the memories of having that body in his bed the night before.

It was times like this that Rodney wished he could do away with ‘society’ altogether, wished he could dance with John in a crowded ballroom, could touch him whenever he pleased, kiss him-

The dance ended and John bowed to his partner, then crossed to Rodney’s side, curling a hand around the scientist’s elbow.

“It’s getting late,” he said, though it was barely past midnight. “We can make our excuses, if you like, and go home.”

“Home,” Rodney repeated, gratefully, and let John say their goodnights while he hailed them a cab.

John climbed in beside him, after giving the driver their address, and practically collapsed against Rodney’s side.


“Just let me touch you,” said John, sliding his hands under Rodney’s jacket. “And just because I can smile and not insult everyone I talk to doesn’t mean you should leave me to my own devices.”

“I wasn’t,” Rodney protested. “You looked like you were enjoying yourself. Dancing, you know, with the ladies.”

“I wasn’t,” said John. “None of them were you.”

Rodney closed his eyes.

He still didn’t understand why John was here, with him. Why he refused even the hint of a potential marriage to keep living in Rodney’s cluttered apartments. Why he laughed at Rodney’s insults, why he came back from days-long police work only to fall asleep to Rodney practicing his lectures, rather than go to bed. Why he leaned in close when they were alone, like the only thing he needed to be happy was to be near Rodney.

“Y’know, for a genius, you can be pretty stupid,” John drawled, head on Rodney’s shoulder. “Just need you, McKay. Just you.”

“Oh,” said Rodney, and pressed a kiss to John’s unruly hair. “Well… me, too.”


Current Mood:


drabble, john/rodney, mcsheplets, stargate atlantis

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