Title: Next Year
Author: Ami Ven
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Abby Sciuto/Tim McGee
Genre: het.
24_times table three, prompt #20 “20:00”
Rating: G
Word Count: 150
Summary: Abby and McGee turn in on Halloween night.
Next Year
“I think we can probably go in now,” said McGee, as the clock in the hall behind him struck eight.
Abby sighed and looked down their dark, empty street. “Okay,” she agreed, handing him the plastic cauldron of Halloween candy. She got up carefully from their front step, both hands braced on her lower back to balance her very rounded middle. “Nobody’s been by for twenty minutes, and it’s starting to get cold. Besides, we’ll get to go around trick-or-treating next year!”
“Our kid won’t even be a year old then,” McGee protested, but he was already thinking about three-person parent-and-baby costumes.
“And he and/or she will love Halloween just as much as his and/or her mommy does,” Abby continued.
McGee laughed. “I don’t doubt that at all.”
He closed the door behind them, but made sure to leave the porch light on, in case any more trick-or-treaters came through.
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