Title: Information Gathering
writerverse challenge #14 October table of doom
Photo Used:
photo #3Word Count: 349
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original (
Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: Zeke watches over Howell while he’s undercover.
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library Information Gathering
My partner was undercover without me and I didn’t like it.
Not that I could have gone with him this time, being completely outside the profile of the group he was being sent to infiltrate, but it still bothered me.
“I’m fine, Jones,” said Howell, for what must have been the dozenth time.
The case had started with a series of minor break-ins at pharmacies and convenience stores, but Philly PD hadn’t made any connection until six itinerant men had turned up dead from methamphetamine overdoses. Clearly, somebody was making meth and testing each new batch on the homeless.
And clearly, they were very bad at it.
“I know you’re fine, sir,” I said, and I did know. There were half a dozen plainclothes cops and three detectives in unmarked cars and equipment vans, but I had taken the high road, scaling a rusty fire escape that had barely held my weight to reach the roof, where I could more closely follow my partner’s movements.
Plus, I felt like batgirl.
Howell paused, holding his hands over a fire that someone had started in an old metal container. “I think I’ve got a lead.”
“Great,” I said. “What?”
My partner had spoken to several of his ‘fellow’ homeless persons over the last few hours, but I had tuned out their words, focusing on their body language and tone of voice.
“Not great,” said Howell. “I got no specifics, but they all seem to suggest a block of row-homes in Kensington.”
I winced, involuntarily. Kensington wasn’t exactly the best part of Philadelphia, but it was heavily populated and none of those people deserved to die when the idiots running this meth lab finally blew themselves up.
“That’s bad, very bad,” said our captain, echoing my thoughts. “Up until now, they’ve been using old warehouses, but if they’ve gone residential… Howell, can you keep up your cover and still make it to Kensington?”
“Six blocks,” said Howell. “I can make it.”
“Be careful, sir,” I said, unable to stop myself.
Below, I could see my partner shake his head fondly. “Always am.”
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