[Stargate: Drabble] "Feat of Togetherness" [SG-22, G]

Jan 06, 2015 23:08

Title: Feat of Togetherness
Prompt: writerverse challenge #02 September table of doom
Line Used: “What Now?” (Etiquette and Espionage, by Gail Carriger, page 42)
Word Count: 401
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 participate in an off-world team-building game.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Feat of Togetherness

“What now, sir?” asked Jason.

Gryff looked at the twelve-foot sheer rock face in front of them. “Give me a minute.”

There were seven teams of four participating in the Feat of Togetherness on P9X-512, which reminded Jason of a standard Marine Corps obstacle course, with the added challenge that the whole team had to complete each obstacle before starting on the next one. They had already crossed the four-inch-wide plank spanning a creek by sending Gryff (who had amazing balance for someone who fell over as often as she did) across to secure a guide rope for the others to hold on to, and they had chosen the right passageway in the first challenge after Levi had figured out a riddle in the local dialect, which had led them to a clear path instead of having to slog through the mud.

“Sir?” Jason prompted.

“Can you reach the top?” Gryff asked.

Jason jumped, but his fingertips barely brushed the edge, and he slid back down.

“Okay,” said Gryff. “Jason, Toby, give me a boost.”

Standing on their shoulders, she could easily reach the top. The rock face turned out to be a wall, about a foot wide, and Gryff braced herself to haul Jason up after her. With a firm hold of her wrists, it was easy to climb up, then turn around to help Toby, and for both of them to lift Levi. Jason slid down to the other side by lowering himself until he was holding on by his fingers, then dropping carefully. Toby did the same, and they caught Levi, but Gryff didn’t follow.

“Gryff, you coming?” Toby asked.

She stood at the top of the wall, looking out. “It’s a maze.”


“The next obstacle. It’s a hedge maze. Levi, pass me the notebook.”

Each team had been issued a standard set of supplies, including the rope they’d used earlier, the local equivalent of a first aid kit, and a small stack of bound paper. Levi handed it up, and Gryff made a quick sketch before she slid from the wall to join her team. Toby took the pencil-thing and traced a route through the maze.

“This way.”

Jason grinned. “Let’s go.”

In the end, they came in third, but General Hammond let them keep the small beaded tapestry they’d won, and they hung it in the living room, where they could all see it.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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