[Stargate: Drabble] "Parental Surprise" [SG-22, G]

Dec 09, 2014 23:16

Title: Parental Surprise
Prompt: writerverse challenge #32 amnesty round, challenge #18 random words
Word Count: 734
Random Words: huge, communicate, accept, unused, cause
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: Gryff’s parents arrive unexpectedly.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Parental Surprise

“Igraine Blodeuwedd Gryffydd!”

Gryff startled awake, reacting to the tone of the voice long before the words registered. She tried to sit up, but was stopped by the heavy arm across her middle, and she flopped back onto her pillow.

“Mom?” she said, fuzzily, to the person in the doorway, who reached out to turn on the lights. “Mom. Do you have any idea what time it is?”

“What time…?” Rachel Gryffydd repeated.

“Did Gryff know you were coming and forget to tell us, Mrs. Gryffydd?” mumbled Levi, into Gryff’s shoulder.

“Well, no,” her mother allowed. “Your father and I realized we had enough unused frequent flyer miles, and we hadn’t seen you in a while, and… You are all wearing something, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Mom,” said Gryff, patiently.

“Cutie?” called her father’s voice, from the hallway. “Did you manage to wake our- Ah.” Frank Gryffydd stopped in the doorway. “Ah. I’ll, um, make some coffee?”

“That would be fantastic,” said Gryff. “Jase will help you.”

“Yes, sir,” said Jason, sliding out of bed. “I’ll get the meds, too.”

“Thanks,” said Gryff, as they left. She wriggled out from under Toby’s arm, to sit up and shake him. “Toby, c’mon, get up.”

Her second-in-command groaned. “Ow,” he said, fervently, blinking up at her.

“I know, buddy,” said Gryff. “But maybe if you’re real nice, Mom’ll make us all breakfast.”

“Mom?” he repeated. “Oh, Mrs. Gryffydd… Oh, this isn’t- we’re not-”

“We’re postponing that bit,” said Levi. He got to his feet, moving stiffly, but steadily. Gryff ducked under Toby’s arm, and they eased the lieutenant upright.

“Igraine, what happened?” asked Rachel. “Are you all hurt?”

“Kind of,” said Gryff. “And you know I can’t tell you what happened.”

“I know, I know,” her mother said. “Toby, can you make it downstairs all right?”

He managed a smile. “I’ll be fine, Mrs. G.”

Gryff’s team had all spoken to her parents on the phone, at one point or another, but she was glad they were getting along in person, even if this wasn’t really the best time for it. Her mother stayed close behind them as they headed down the stairs, one hand near Toby’s shoulder, and by the time they got to the kitchen, the coffee was done.

“Okay,” said Gryff, taking a long drink from the mug Jason had handed her. “I am not having sex with these guys.”

Everyone was indignant all at once- “Gryff!” “Igraine!” “Seriously, Gryff?” “Before breakfast, sir?” “Rainy, really…?”

“It’s just been a long week,” said Gryff. “We were… out of town, and there was something of an accident…”

By ‘out of town’, of course, she meant that they’d been in an off-world naquadah mine, and by ‘accident’, she meant the small cave-in that had trapped Toby for long terrifying minutes before they’d been able to dig him out.

“But you’re all right?” Rachel pressed. “You’ve seen a doctor?”

“We’ve seen a doctor, Mrs. Gryffydd,” said Levi. He glanced sideways at Jason, communicating silently in that way they had. “But maybe you could have a look at Gryff- um, sorry, Igraine? She said your mom was a nurse, and she keeps wincing when she turns sideways…”

“I’m fine,” said Gryff, but her mother unceremoniously grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and lifted it to show the half-healed welts down her back. “See? Fine.”

“Those look terrible, Rainy,” said her father. “What even caused marks like that?”

“Klingon pain sticks,” Gryff muttered, which was what she always called those Goa’uld cattle-prod-things. “But it’s not as bad as it looks, Dad. Our base doctor is the best there is, and she says we’re going to be good as new.”

“Your daughter takes really good care of us,” Toby said, softly. “It’s easy to see where she gets that.”

Rachel’s expression softened, and she sighed. “I know I have to accept that what you do is classified, but that won’t keep me from worrying about you. All of you.”

“Thanks, Mom,” said Gryff, for her whole team.

“Now,” said her mother, brightening. “I know Igraine was only joking about breakfast, but I think we can actually do something about that.”

The members of SG-22 grinned at each other.

“Pancakes?” suggested Toby.

“One huge stack of pancakes, coming up,” said Rachel. She opened the fridge and frowned. “Igraine, do you even have anything edible in this house?”

SG-22 burst out laughing.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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