[Stargate: Drabble] "There Will Be Pancakes" [SG-22, G]

Nov 17, 2014 23:30

Title: There Will Be Pancakes
Prompt: writerverse challenge #19 quick fic #7, prompts ‘fall’ & “don’t believe the things you tell yourself so late at night, and you are your own worst enemy and you’ll never win the fight. Just hold on to me, I’ll hold onto you; it’s you and me up against the world, it’s you and me” (“Parachute” by Ingrid Michelson)
Bonus? hurt/comfort genre
Word Count: 363
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: “Actually okay, or your usual definition of okay?”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

There Will Be Pancakes

Gryff was out of bed, heart hammering, before she was even fully awake, the last traces of her nightmare still clinging to the edges of her mind as her bare feet hit the hall carpet. She didn’t remember much- she had never remembered her dreams, or nightmares, even when she was a kid- but she knew it had been bad.

None of them slept with their doors closed, a habit she would contemplate later, so she could see Levi slumped against his pillow with a book in his lap, Toby sprawled on top of his blankets, Jason with an arm over his eyes…

“Sir?” Jason was awake, arm lowering to peer at her by the dim light filtering up from the staircase. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” Gryff replied, still a little breathless. She leaned against the doorjamb. “I’m… yeah.”

He sat up, frowning. “Actually okay, or your usual definition of okay?”

She snorted a laugh. “Actually okay. I just… I needed to see you guys.”

“Ah,” said Jason. “One of those. What was it this time?”

It was probably a bad sign that they each had specific types of nightmares that the others could identify by their aftermaths. Gryff’s most common fear was losing her team- even when she didn’t remember the dream itself, she woke with the overwhelming need to just see her team.

“I was falling,” she said. “No, I wasn’t falling, you were falling. All three of you, maybe, but I don’t think I could see you. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t get to you, I couldn’t do anything…” Gryff took a deep breath. “And then I woke up. And you’re not dead.”

“Nope, not dead,” Jason agreed. “Sir, do you-?”

“Gryff?” Toby leaned in his own doorway. “You okay?”

This time, her smile was genuine. “Yeah. You up for a sleepover? I’ll make pancakes in the morning.”

“Deal,” Toby and Jason said in unison, and she grinned.

“Thanks, guys. I’ll get Levi.”

Gryff woke the next morning after a dreamless sleep, with Toby’s nose pressed between her shoulder blades and Levi’s feet warm against her shin, and closed her eyes again… until Jason said, sleepily, “I was promised pancakes.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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