[Stargate: Drabble] "The Dissembling Color" [SG-22, G]

Oct 01, 2014 01:19

Title: The Dissembling Color
Prompt: writerverse challenge #36 phase amnesty, challenge #11 random book page
Book and line used: “Ginger hair features in the work of some of the greatest writers in the history of the English language, such as Chaucer and Shakespeare.” (The Ginger Survival Guide, by Tim Collins)
Word Count: 330
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: “Sir, have you considered hair dye?”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

The Dissembling Color

“Look, sir,” said Jason, as they set up their bedrolls in the small cabin they’d been lent for the night. “No offence, but can we get the other teams to add ‘do you have an irrational attitude toward redheaded people’ to the standard off-world meet-and-greets? Because this is getting really old.”

“You think so?” Gryff replied. “At least on this planet, they just want me to bless their fields of not-quite-green beans in the morning.”

“We got lucky,” said Toby. He moved her sleeping bag over a few inches to make room for his own. “Every time any team goes off-world is an unknown, though. There’s no way of knowing if anything we do, or are, will insult the people who live there.”

“And redheads are a very small percentage of the human population,” added Levi. “Only around one percent. It’s no surprise that some of the cultures are, at the very least, surprised to see someone with hair that color.”

“I just wish we got a little more ‘curious’ and a little less ‘burn the witch’,” said Jason. “Sir, have you considered hair dye?”

“I happen to like my hair,” she grumbled. “Why did you think I kept it as long as I do, when I’ve got to keep it all pinned up like this?”

“I can’t say I’ve ever thought about it,” said Toby. “Though it is useful that you always have hair pins.”

“I do try,” Gryff agreed. “And don’t forget that I’m a librarian. I’ve always loved books with redheads in them.”

“That’s true,” said Levi. “Ginger hair features in the work of some of the greatest writers in the history of the English language, such as Chaucer and Shakespeare. Except for the ones that believe the superstition that Judas had red hair and that redheads are untrustworthy.”

“Right,” deadpanned Gryff. “Except for that. Besides, I’d look terrible as a blonde.”

“Ooh,” Jason agreed, wincing, and he laughed as she threw her balled-up jacket at him.


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drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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