[Stargate: Drabble] "Eye of the Storm" [SG-22, G]

Sep 26, 2014 03:12

Title: Eye of the Storm
Prompt: writerverse challenge #29 quick fic #10, prompts ‘feverish’ & ‘she stared into darkness’
Bonus? 3rd person
Word Count: 295
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: They can’t return to Earth until the storm lets up, and Gryff is running a fever.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Eye of the Storm

Toby put the back of his hand to his commanding officer’s forehead, and frowned. “Her fever’s getting worse.”

He kept his other hand on Gryff’s shoulder, as she let out a low moan and tried to roll away from him. Levi crowded in on her other side, catching Gryff’s hand when she pulled it out from her sleeping bag.

“Sir?” asked Jason, ducking back into the tent. It was a little crowded with all four of them in there, but nobody complained. “How is she?”

“Worse,” said Toby.

Gryff moaned again and struggled against the hands on her shoulders. Her eyes were open, but she didn’t seem to be looking at any of them, or even at the ceiling of the tent. “No,” she mumbled, under her breath. “No! Let me go! I have to save them!”

“We’re here,” said Jason, sliding in beside Levi to lean over her. “Sir, we’re here, we’re okay.”

Toby squeezed her shoulder, gently. “You did it, Gryff,” he said, a little impulsively. “You got here just in time. We’re all safe.”

“Yeah, Gryff,” added Levi. He pulled off his boots and wriggled into the sleeping bag with her, just like she’d done for him, more than once. “Look, we’re all safe.”

Gryff blinked, furiously, then brought one hand up to touch his shoulder, finally focusing on the other two faces above her. “Guys?” she asked. “Is it still raining out?”

Toby shared a look with Jason, and huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, Gryff. We’ll head back to the ‘gate as soon as the river level goes down.”

“Okay,” she muttered, closing her eyes again. “Wake me up when that happens.”

“Her fever’s down,” Toby breathed, a moment later.

His teammates smiled, and settled in to wait out the storm.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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