[Original: Drabble] "Growl" [Zeke Jones, G]

Sep 20, 2014 04:48

Title: Growl
Prompt: writerverse challenge #21 quick fic #7, prompts‘crying wolf’ & ‘enticing’
Word Count: 390
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original ( Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: “Nice puppy…”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


In my own defense, neither the front or back doors had had a ‘beware of dog’ sign, so I had no way of knowing just how bad an idea it was to step out into the completely walled-in backyard. I figured it out pretty quick, though, when a low growl came from the shadows under the rickety back step.

“Nice puppy…” I muttered, keeping both hands up, placating. “Nice puppy…”

The ‘puppy’ was a mutt, big and underfed, and it advanced on me, slowly. It growled more loudly, showing teeth, and I took slow steps backward until I hit the stone wall. The dog kept coming.

“Sir?” I said, trying for calm and failing by a wide margin. “Sir? Howell?”

The dog growled again and crouched, ready to spring.


For a moment, I thought there was an echo, until I realized that the second growl had come from my partner, now in wolf form. He crouched, too, and the dog’s attention switched to him.

And, once I wasn’t keeping an eye on the dog anymore, I saw the overturned, empty food dish under the porch.

“Sir, can you keep him busy for a moment?” I asked. “Don’t hurt him.”

He couldn’t answer, of course, but he sort of nodded, and I darted away back into the house. Technically, this was a crime scene and I shouldn’t be disturbing things, but I’d already taken photos everywhere, so I figured it would be okay. I opened the fridge and found a package of hotdogs, then filled a glass from the cabinet at the sink, and headed back outside.

Howell and the dog both looked up at me, but the dog looked instantly more wary as I opened the hotdogs and set them in the grass. Instantly, his tongue lolled out, and he rushed over to them. I grabbed the empty food bowl and filled it with water, and the dog didn’t even look up as I set it beside him.

“He was just hungry,” I told Howell. The dog, finished with the hotdogs, took loud slurps of water, then flopped down in the grass between us, inching toward Howell with his tongue hanging out again.

My wolf-partner looked up at me and nodded, approvingly, then narrowed his eyes at me.

I smiled. “I’ll go find your uniform, then, shall I, sir?”


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, zeke_jones, writerverse

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