[Stargate: Drabble] "Three Days Later" [SG-22, G]

Sep 18, 2014 23:40

Title: Three Days Later
Prompt: writerverse challenge #13 TV tropes, Asleep for Days
Word Count: 449
Rating: G
Fandom or Original: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: Gryff wakes up in the infirmary.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Three Days Later

The first thing Gryff heard, when she swam back toward consciousness in the SGC infirmary, was Levi’s voice saying, “…and I swear to God, Gryff, if you do this to me one more time, I’m going to kill you!”

“Love you, too, Lee,” she said- but it came out more like a croak.

She opened her eyes just in time to see Levi jump. “Gryff! Oh, my god, Gryff, you’re awake!”

“Yeah?” she said, then paused and took stock of herself. Her head felt a little fuzzy and she hurt… pretty much everywhere. She was also hooked up to a few things, which were starting to be a little uncomfortable. “Yeah.”

Levi grabbed her hand, squeezing gently. “Are you okay? Do you remember your name? Can you feel your toes? Do you-”

“Can I get some water?” she interrupted, smiling.

“Oh! Sure.” Levi produced a cup and held the straw to her lips.

Gryff drank slowly, knowing that taking too much at once would make her feel worse. “What happened?” she asked.

“What happened?” Levi repeated. “Gryff, you were stabbed! You collapsed on the ‘gate ramp the second the wormhole closed behind us, and you’ve been asleep for three days!”


“Wow, way to break it gently, Lee,” said Jason, coming around the dividing curtain to stand at the foot of her bed.

“Hey, she already knew she’d gotten stabbed,” he protested. Then, blanched. “You did know you’d gotten stabbed, right?”

“Kinda?” said Gryff.

Jason rested a hand on her blanketed ankle. “But you’re okay, sir? You feel okay?”

She nodded. “Lee said I was out for three days. What about you guys, are you…?”

“We’re fine,” said Toby. “Bumps and bruises, but we’re okay. Also, I talked to your mother when she called, and I told her that you were transcribing top secret documents and would call her back when you were cleared. I may have mentioned that you were working directly for a ‘very important military officer’ who I wasn’t at liberty to name…”

Gryff grinned, and managed a vague thumbs-up. “Good thinking, Toby.”

“SG-22,” said Janet Fraiser, coming around the curtain with her arms folded, disapproving. “What did I tell you about bothering my patients?”

All three boys looked sheepish. “To come get you immediately when she woke up?” said Levi.

“And what did you do?”

“You know ‘immediate’ is such a vague word…” said Toby.

Janet rolled her eyes, and moved to check Gryff’s vitals. “It looks like you’re healing nicely, Gryff,” she said. “I’m going to keep you overnight for observation- don’t get excited, it’s already ten o’clock- and you can go home tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, ma’am,” they chorused.

Gryff smiled. “Thanks, Janet.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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