[Stargate: Drabble] "Night of Neverending Winter" [SG-22, G]

Aug 10, 2014 01:23

Title: Night of Neverending Winter
Prompt: writerverse 24 hour challenge C (‘neverending winter’)
Word Count: 745
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 celebrate the longest night of an off-world year.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Night of Neverending Winter

“Okay, guys,” said Gryff, pulling on her thermal gloves and readjusting the scarf around her neck. “SG-1 says the village is only ten minutes from the ‘gate, but it’s not going to be fun getting there.”

“What do you mean, Gryff?” asked Toby. Like the rest of them, he was dressed in a fur-lined parka, scarf, gloves, hat, and whatever cold-weather gear the SGC quartermaster could come up with. “This’ll be like an Alpine vacation.”

“If the Alps were on Pluto”, Jason grumbled, as the ‘gate finished dialing and the wormhole kawooshed to life.

“But they live in the mountain,” said Levi. “Like the Pueblo Indians. But it’s snowy, so they’re also like Eskimos, and-”

“SG-22, you have a go,” said General Hammond, from the Control Room. “And godspeed.”

Gryff waved acknowledgment to him, then led her team through the ‘gate- into a howling blizzard.

“This way,” said Gryff. “Stick together.”

SG-22 slogged their way through foot-high snow drifts. Occasionally, the wind would shift, and they were able to see the peaks of soaring mountains through the driving snow. Then, suddenly, there were people in front of them, all dressed in dark furs.

“Greetings,” said one of them, a man with steel-gray hair. “By what names are you called?”

“I’m Captain Gryffydd,” said Gryff. “These are Lieutenant Tobias, Gunny Vicks and Dr. Flannigan. We’re SG-22, from Earth.”

“Earth,” the man repeated. “You were sent by SG-1, to join our ceremony?”

“We were,” Gryff agreed. “SG-1 is unable to come, so we hope you will allow us to take their place.”

“You are most welcome,” he said “I am Teodor. These are Svanhild, Elis and Dagrun. Come this way, and let us go where it is warm.”

SG-22 followed the group through the snow. They were almost a the foot of the mountain when they could see it- the village, cut right into the stones, snow-covered roves and chimneys emerging in odd places.

“It’s beautiful,” said Gryff.

“Yes, it is,” said Svanhild. She was about Gryff’s age, with two honey-blonde braids that spilled from under her furry hood. “There is nowhere more beautiful.”

“Nowhere I’ve seen,” agreed Levi.

They walked through what looked like a natural cave entrance, but only a few yards in, it was clearly hand-hewn, leading deeper into the mountain. It got steadily warmer as they walked, and soon everyone was loosening their clothes.

“It is quite warm in the caves,” said Teodor. “A place was prepared when we invited SG-1 to join us, but as you are also four, there will plenty of room for you, as well.”

“Sounds great,” said Gryff. “Thank you.”

Teodor nodded. “You have arrived just in time. The Night of Neverending Winter will begin shortly.”

“Neverending?” Jason repeated.

Dagrum laughed, silver braids swinging. “It is only a name,” she said. “Our planet is cold for only eight of our eleven months.”

“See, that’s not so bad,” said Toby. “What kind of ceremony do you hold?”

“This is the longest night of the year,” said Elis. He had pulled off his coat, to reveal dark hair pulled back in a single braid. “On this night, families gather together in our Great Chamber- a large cavern in the heart of the mountain- to sing songs and warm their hearts against the darkness.”

“Our world has some similar traditions,” said Levi. “Certain cultures have midwinter customs about family, and staving off the darkness.”

“Then you understand it well,” said Teodor. “Your place is this way.”

The cavern was arched, like a gothic cathedral, with carved alcoves all along the outer walls. In each one, furs had been spread for a family to sit on, as they tended a small fire just outside the alcove. A large pile of firewood lined the cavern wall opposite the entrance. SG-22 was pointed to an empty alcove, already lined with furs, and an unlit fire.

“We take it in turns to add wood to our family’s fire,” said Svanhild. “The Elders begin a song, and all join in, as they are moved. In the morning, when the sun rises again, the fires are put out, one by one, and the entire village goes to greet the sun.”

“Be well, during the night,” added Teodor, and their escort left to join their own families.

Gryff sank onto the pile of furs, and grinned up at her team. “So, is this better than a naquadah mine?”

Toby laughed, and dropped to sit beside her. “Absolutely.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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