Title: Pounce
writerverse challenge #16 january table of doom, prompt ‘sneak attack’
Word Count: 226
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original (
Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: Samhain the fairy-cat has a favorite target.
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library Pounce
Sitting on my couch, I watched Samhain saunter across the carpet, tail swishing lazily, almost silent even with the bell attached to her collar. She was getting bigger every time I turned around- the vet said she was a healthy weight for a cat her age, but I had no idea how big half-sidhe/half-bakeneko were actually supposed to get.
She crouched, suddenly, every muscle tense, butt wiggling.
I bit back a grin, and tried to keep quiet. For some reason, Sammy had gotten it in her head to try attacking Howell every time he came over. Well, not really attacking. Just playing with him, the way kittens did. But she really seemed to like trying to sneak up on my partner.
The butt-wiggling got faster, and then- she pounced.
And just before she landed on Howell’s stocking feet, they were pulled neatly out of the way. “Sorry, little lady,” he said, a smile in his voice, even if it wasn’t on his face.
Samhain landed in the spot where his feet had been, then immediately began washing her front paw, as if that had been what she had meant to do all along.
I laughed and scooped her up. “Someday, Sammy,” I said. “You’ll catch that big mean werewolf someday.”
Howell snorted, but reached out to scratch her under the chin, just the way she liked.
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