[Stargate: Drabble] "Candlelight for Levi" [SG-22, G]

Jun 16, 2014 01:32

Title: Candlelight for Levi
Prompt: writerverse challenge #11 ‘tis the season (celebrating the holidays)
Word Count: 446
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: Levi comes home to a holiday surprise.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Candlelight for Levi

Levi let himself into the kitchen through the back door, juggling the shopping bag full of bread and milk so he could shrug out of his coat. Something smelled wonderful, probably whatever was in the oven- it was Toby’s night to cook, and he was the best of them at it- so Levi took a deep breath as he hung up his coat and went to put the milk away.

He had just closed the fridge again when he heard voices from the living room.

“It needs to go, prominently, by the window,” said Gryff.

“But not this one, not by the Christmas tree,” said Jason. “People outside are supposed to be able to see it, it says so in the book.”

There was the rustle of pages being turned. “Either that, or just inside an exterior door,” said Tony. “So, really, I say it should go in this window here, by the hallway.”

“Okay,” Gryff agreed. There was a pause. “How’s that?”

“It’s a little crooked, sir,” said Jason. This time, the pause was filled with an odd shuffling noise. “There.”

“Okay,” said Gryff, again. “So, everything’s ready, other than the- Levi!”

Everyone stopped as he came into the living room. Levi looked around, taking in the lit Christmas tree, the stockings on the mantle, the garland on the staircase- and the simple menorah on the windowsill.

“You’re home early, Lee,” said Jason. He and Toby were both wearing yarmulkes and Gryff had a lace scarf pinned into her hair. “This was supposed to be a surprise.”

“What is all this?” Levi asked, a little stunned.

“We figured you would recognize all the stuff you need for Chanukah,” said Toby, then he frowned. “Unless we did something wrong? Because all we had for reference was that old set of Encyclopedia Britanica.”

“No, no, it looks perfect, but… why?”

“Because you’re Jewish, Levi,” said Gryff. “You were so into it, helping us get ready for Christmas that we almost forgot. And we’re really sorry.”

“But I love Christmas,” Levi protested. “The carols, the decorations, peace on Earth, all that good stuff… You guys even got me a stocking with my name on it! And I’m… I’m really not that devout, anymore.”

“Neither are we,” said Jason. “But if you’re going to celebrate Christmas with us, it’s only fair that we celebrate Chanukah with you.”

“Okay,” said Levi. “L’chaim.”

“See, that’s the spirit,” said Gryff. She reached onto the mantle, and handed him a matchbox. “You’ll need these, Lee. It’s almost sunset.”

Levi held still while she pinned the yarmulke to his hair, then lit a match and touched it to the first candle.

“Hanneirot hallalu anachnu…”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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