[Original: Drabble] "WTF LOL" [Zeke Jones, G]

Nov 01, 2013 01:13

Title: WTF LOL
Prompt: writerverse challenge #41 quick fic amnesty (‘IDEK (I Don’t Even Know)’)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: original ( Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: Zeke and Howell do some paperwork.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library


We were going through background records for our case when Howell suddenly scowled- his true, frustrated scowl- at his computer.

“Jones, what are you working on?” he snapped.

“Double-checking the IDs for every person from Tuesday’s apartment canvas,” I said, deadpan. “Before moving on to Wednesday’s canvas.”

“I’ll switch,” said Howell, and I looked up, surprised.


He growled. “You take the phone records, and I’ll finish the canvases.”

“Sure,” I said, swapping folders with him.

I opened the one he handed me and fought to suppress my grin. It was all texts, from teenage girls.

“I’m on it, sir.”


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, zeke_jones, writerverse

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