[Stargate: Drabble] "Sleep Well" [SG-22, G]

Sep 23, 2013 02:50

Title: Sleep Well
Prompt: writerverse challenge #14 title this (write a story)
Word Count: 378
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: It’s been a long, tiring mission for SG-22, and they’re happy to be home.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Sleep Well

“Thank you, airman,” said Gryff, to the sergeant who had driven them home.

He nodded. “Yes, ma’am. General Hammond wanted me to remind you that you are not to report back to base for at least seventy-two hours.”

She tried to raise an eyebrow, but winced as it pulled painfully at her blackened eye. “We understand, sergeant. Thanks again.”

He saluted, and went back to the car. The five members of SG-22 trudged up their front walk, and Jason pushed open the front door.

“Dinner?” asked Levi, wearily.

It was eight in the morning, Colorado time, but they’d been in the naqudah mine on P2X-993 for six days, and it was just about supper time there.

“Bed,” said Toby. “Janet said she’d send somebody with groceries tomorrow.”

“She oughta get a medal,” put in Billy.

Gryff snorted a laugh, then winced again. “Yeah, she should. Levi…”

The sociologist swayed, half-asleep on his feet, and Jason caught him. “C’mon, Lee,” he said, towing the smaller man toward the stairs. “You’ve got to at least brush your teeth before you pass out.”

Toby caught Gryff’s arm, gently. “Gryff?” he asked.

She looked around at her team- the neat row of butterfly bandages along the edge of Jason’s Marine haircut, the friction burns along the lengths of Levi’s arms, the limp Toby was trying to ignore, the sore shoulder she knew was under Billy’s t-shirt- and nodded. “Yeah.”

Nobody moved.

“Pajamas,” said Gryff, loudly and clearly. “Teeth brushed. Ten minutes.”

Billy frowned, halfway up the stairs with the rest of them. “Ten minutes of what?”

“My room, ten minutes,” Gryff told him, then smiled, softly. “It’s been a tough mission, Billy. But we don’t just watch each other’s backs out in the field.”

He frowned again, then seemed to realize something, looked startled, and blushed faintly. “Really, sir? I mean… I only just…”

Jason rested a hand on Billy’s shoulder. “Go put your pajamas on. And bring a pillow.”

Hours later, Gryff woke to find that she’d missed a hairpin, which had poked her awake. She tossed it toward the dresser, and turned to see Billy blinking at her over Levi’s shoulder.

“Hey,” she said, barely a whisper. “Sleeping okay?”

Billy glanced around at the crowded bed, and smiled. “Yes, sir.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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