[Stargate: Drabble] "Who Are You?" [SG-22, G]

Aug 13, 2013 23:30

Title: Who Are You?
Prompt: writerverse challenge #32 quick fic #10 (“There’s nothing inside you that you can’t reach” (Super Teen) & ‘sorrow’)
Word Count: 806
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Pairings: none
Summary: “I’m sorry… who are you?”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Who Are You?

Four hours after they carried him back through the ‘gate, Levi Flannigan blinked up at the rest of his team and said, “I’m sorry… who are you?”

The rockslide on P2X-998 had taken SG-22 by surprise, showering them with small but jagged rocks that left shallow cuts and large bruises on all of them, but Levi was the only one who’d been knocked unconscious.

Janet ran every test, scan and evaluation she could think of, and came up empty. Levi remembered his name, and pretty much everything up until just after he’d joined the Stargate Program. He’d been a translator and researcher then, and seemed unwilling to believe that he had ever joined an off-world team.

“We just have to be patient,” said Gryff, but after a few days, even hers was wearing thin. They had been taking turns slowly bringing him up to speed, hoping that something would jar his memory, with no success.

SG-22 was on stand-down until Levi was fit to be in the field again, so Gryff had spent the morning in the library, before stopping by the mess to grab lunch for her team. She met Toby coming into the infirmary from the lab where he’d been repairing MALPs- and passed Jason coming out, looking heartbroken.

“Jase…?” asked Toby, as the Marine rushed by them. Inside the isolation room, they could see Levi sitting on his bed, staring wide-eyed in the direction Jason had gone.

Toby shared a look with his CO. “You get Jason, I get Levi?”

“Right,” Gryff agreed.

She handed him the lunch trays and hurried after their teammate. A few minutes later, she nearly tripped over him, sitting against the curved wall in one of the little-used side corridors.

“Hey,” she said softly, dropping down beside him.

Jason looked up at her. “He flinched, sir!” he blurted, unconsciously leaning toward her. “Levi dropped his book, and I went to catch it, and he flinched, like I was going to hurt him. And I wouldn’t- I’d never-!”

“I know, Jase,” said Gryff. “And Levi knows, too. He’s just forgotten that he knows, that’s all.”

Jason nodded, then glanced around to make sure the hallway was clear. “It just… really hurt,” he admitted. “I know he’s lost his memory, but I guess I thought he’d still know me. I mean, Levi’s annoyed at me half the time, and I’ve even gotten him really pissed off a couple of times, but he’s never been scared of me. Never.”

“I don’t think he’s really scared of you, Jason,” said Gryff, patting his knee. “You want to skip team lunch?”

“No, of course not,” he said quickly. “I want to make sure that Levi’s okay.”

She smiled and let him pull them both upright. “You’re a good friend, Jason.”

Levi and Toby met them just inside the infirmary. “I’m sorry,” the sociologist said, looking anxiously at Jason. “I didn’t mean to upset you… and you’ve been so nice to me, for no reason, but I didn’t expect… I didn’t know I could hurt someone’s feelings, so… I’m sorry.”

Jason reached out to pull him into a brief hug. “It’s not for no reason,” he said. “I’m your friend.”

“Oh,” said Levi, looking a little stunned by the contact.

“Yeah,” said Toby, then smiled. “Hey, who’s ready for lunch? Because I am- Look out!”

A passing nurse had bumped a filing cabinet, which wobbled alarmingly, dislodging a pile of heavy medical textbooks that someone had stashed on top of it. They came tumbling down, exactly where Jason was standing. Levi leaned forward and shoved, knocking the Marine out of the way, but he wasn’t quite fast enough himself. A book hit Levi in the back of the head, and sent him crashing into Jason, sprawling them both on the floor.

“Ow,” muttered Jason, who’d landed hard. Then, he realized that Levi was half on top of him- and not moving. “Lee, oh my god…”

The younger man groaned and sat up. He frowned at Jason, then at Gryff and Toby kneeling beside them, then he took a shaky breath and threw his arms around Jason’s neck. “I’m so sorry,” he breathed.

Jason caught them before they could topple over again. “For what?” he asked.

“For- Jason! I forgot you! You’re my best friend- all three of you, you know, but you’re- and I forgot you- Hey!”

The Marine had pulled Levi into a bone-crushing hug. “You remember!” he cried, grinning broadly. “Lee, you’re okay!”

“That knock to the head must have done it,” said Toby, grinning, too. “Why didn’t you let us try that last week?”

“Because unlike MALPs, you can’t generally smack people to make them work again,” Gryff replied. She reached out to grip his shoulder. “I’m really glad you’re back, Lee.”

Levi looked around at them. “Yeah, me, too.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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