[Stargate: Drabble] "Coping Techniques" [SG-22, G]

Jul 23, 2013 03:18

Title: Coping Techniques
Prompt: writerverse challenge #21 quick fic #7‘sound of silence’
Bonus? 1st person narrator
Word Count: 383
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Pairings: none
Summary: SG-22 have a way to deal with difficult missions.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Coping Techniques

Something woke me in the middle of the night, but it wasn’t until the bathroom light clicked on that I realized it was actually the absence of something- or rather, someone. Gryff was still asleep beside me, and the large blanket-covered lump on the other side of the bed could only be Jason, which meant Levi was the one who’d gotten up.

I checked the clock on Gryff’s nightstand, which told me it was only a few hours after we’d gotten back from another close-call mission and squashed together in Gryff’s bed. The psychologists at the SGC didn’t exactly approve of sleepovers as a healthy coping technique, but we generally didn’t ask them. It wasn’t even something we talked about among ourselves. We just seemed to know when a mission had been bad enough that we would be uneasy being apart, even when we fell asleep.

Jason rolled onto his back, still fast asleep, one arm stretched into the space where Levi had been lying. He must have been exhausted, because finding one of us missing like that usually woke him up. But he only shifted a little into the warm hollow and stayed asleep.

The bathroom light clicked off, and the bed dipped under Levi’s weight. He could have gone around to the other side and only had Jason to crawl over, but in the dim light I could see that he’d left his glasses on the dresser, and he probably didn’t want to risk a fall that would add any more bruises to our already impressive tally for the day.

Gryff had her legs curled up, cold toes pressed against my shins, so it was easy for Levi to climb into bed without waking her. He wriggled under Jason’s arm, rearranging the blankets to cover most people’s limbs, then flopped back against the pillow.

I slid an arm over Gryff’s waist, careful of her bruised ribs, to brush my fingers against Levi’s elbow. He looked up at me, startled that I was awake, then smiled. Levi curled his hand around my wrist, and I smiled back.

I fell asleep to Jason’s soft snoring and the beat of Levi’s pulse, with Gryff breathing against my shoulder and when I woke, my bruises didn’t seem to hurt as much as they had before.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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