[Stargate: Fiction] "Back Home" [SG-22, G]

Apr 19, 2013 02:29

Title: Back Home
Prompt: writerverse challenge #35 the “I”s Have it (write in 1st person)
Word Count: 1,002
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Pairings: none
Warnings: none
Summary: I stumbled as I hit the ramp back into the SGC…
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Back Home

I stumbled as soon as I hit the ramp back into the SGC, partly because I had been running for so long that my legs were protesting any more motion, but mostly because I had been half-carrying Jason and he’d chosen that moment to finally pass out.

“Medic!” I yelled, trying to keep him from hitting the floor too hard. Jason was breathing, I could tell that much, but until we had stopped, I hadn’t realized how badly he was bleeding.

“Oh, god,” I muttered. “Oh, god, oh, god-”

Janet Fraiser and three of her nurses hurried into the Gate Room. “Levi, what happened?”

I tried to remember. “He was stabbed,” I told her. Gryff or Toby would know how many times, and where, and what kind of weapon, but I drew a blank. “And drugged, I think, or… oh, god, or poisoned! Janet-”

“We’ll check for drugs and poisons,” she said. “Lieutenant, get Sergeant Vicks ready for surgery…”

I didn’t realize I’d been holding Jason’s hand until the nurses pulled me away. “Is he-?” I breathed.

“We’ll take care of him,” said Janet, as they left.

“Dr. Flannigan,” said General Hammond, voice low but urgent. “What happened?”

“We were attacked, sir. Another tribe of natives. Or perhaps a more nomadic unit, since the people we met had a structured town and- Sorry. It was… I don’t know exactly, sir, it all happened so fast. Jason got stabbed, started fading in and out, so Gryff and Toby told me to bring him back. They stayed to help the villagers. They- we left them behind.”

“Are they hurt?” the general asked.

“No,” I said. “But they could be-”

The general patted my shoulder. “SG teams One and Three are going after them. We’ll bring them home, son.”

I nodded, and obediently followed one of the nurses when he pulled me toward the infirmary. He practically walked me through a post-mission exam, but my mind was with Jason, and I stayed exactly where he’d left me when it was over. After what seemed like an eternity, Janet came in and I bolted from my chair.


“-will be fine,” she interrupted, then smiled. “It wasn’t as bad as it looked, and you helped a lot by getting him back here so quickly.

“Can I see him?”

We both knew the question was a formality. Gate teams are, by nature, close-knit and SG-22 was no exception. I was going to sit with Jason no matter what, and Janet seemed to understand that.

“He’s still sedated,” she said. “Let someone know when he wakes up.”

Jason looked much better than the last time I’d seen him, but entirely too still. There were bandages along both of his arms, and smaller nicks that hadn’t made it under the gauze. Without thinking, I reached for his hand again. Jason was always so warm, but feeling that warmth was especially comforting just then.

The heart monitor beeped steadily and I felt my shoulders relax, just a little. Gryff and Toby were out there somewhere, but I still had Jason. It was our deepest fear, each of us, that someday we would be the only one left. I had seen the flash of icy darkness in Gryff’s eyes when one of us was hurt, the glimpse of Toby’s calculating anger and Jason’s tightly-bound rage. I didn’t like to think what I might be capable of if I suddenly lost these three people.

Jason shifted a little in his sleep, and I squeezed his hand automatically. I thought about moving to sit in the chair beside his bed, but I was starting to come down from the adrenaline of our escape. I felt tired and irrationally scared that if I went too far, something would happen to Jason, too.

There was a little bit of empty space on the bed, so I kicked off my shoes and carefully climbed in next to Jason. Gryff did this sometimes, but I had never been brave enough before. I’d have to move, I knew that, before someone came in and saw us- Jason was a Marine, and he had that tough-guy image to maintain. But not too soon. I rested my forehead against his shoulder, listening to the rhythmic thump of his heart, and closed my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next time I opened my eyes, I found a very wide-awake Jason staring back at me.

“Jason!” I said, bolting upright. “You’re okay!”

He smiled. “Yeah, I think so.”

For a long moment, we just smiled at each other, before I realized where we were.

“Oh, sorry,” I said, starting to move away.

Jason’s hand caught my elbow. “Hey…”

“But somebody could come in,” I said, glancing around nervously.

“Doc’s already been in,” said Jason. “And a couple of nurses.”

“I’m sorry,” I said again. “I meant to leave before they could see-”

“See what?” Jason asked, frowning. “See my friend being worried about me? Falling asleep because he’d worn himself out dragging my sorry butt back through the ‘gate? Because I have no problem with that.”

“Oh,” I said softly.

Jason squeezed my elbow. “Doc says you saved my life, Lee. I was pretty out of it, but I know I couldn’t have gotten back without you.”

“You’ve done the same for me,” I said. “But Gryff and Toby are-”

“Gryff and Toby are what?” asked a woman’s voice, and I nearly fell off the bed.

Jason tightened his grip on my arm, at the same time that Gryff caught my other shoulder, keeping me upright as I turned to grin at her and Toby.

The bottom half of Gryff’s t-shirt had been torn off, revealing the usual array of bruises, and the missing fabric had been wrapped around Toby’s arm, but both were smiling.

“Hey,” said Toby. “You guys both okay?”

I shared a look with Jason, and we both grinned back. “Yeah,” I said for both of us. “We’re okay.”


Current Mood:


stargate, sg-22, fanfiction, writerverse

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