[Stargate: Drabbles] "The Fifteenth Naquadah Mine" [SG-22, G]

Mar 28, 2013 22:56

Title: The Fifteenth Naqudah Mine
Prompt: writerverse challenge #17 back to basics, part 1 (write a 500-word story)
Word Count: 500
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 reaches an off-world milestone.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

The Fifteenth Naquadah Mine (Long Version)

Captain Igraine Gryffydd opened her eyes, looked around, and immediately closed them again. “Oh, come on!”

SG-22 had been on a routine mission to PX-250, doing a final recon to check for any nasty surprises the first two teams had missed, before a science contingent arrived at the end of the week, when they had run smack into exactly such a surprise, in the form of a Jaffa patrol. They had managed to get off a few shots, but they’d been greatly outnumbered, and all four had fallen to enemy ‘zat blasts.

Gryff put a hand to her pounding head and sat up. “SG-22, sound off!”

From the other side of the dim stone chamber, a figure stirred. “Sir?” said Marine Gunnery Sergeant Jason Vicks. “Please do not tell me we are in another naquadah mine.”

“Sorry, Jase,” said First Lieutenant Walter Tobias. “The architecture is pretty distinctive.”

“Especially to us,” agreed Gryff. “Levi, you okay?”

“No,” said Dr. Levi Flannigan. “I’m dead. They’ve finally killed me.”

“You’re not dead, Lee,” said Jason. He was the closest, so he leaned over to poke the sociologist’s shoulder. “Come on.”

Tobias stood and started looking around. “Seems like the usual setup. Can you believe that this is our fifteenth naquadah mine?”

“What, seriously?” asked Jason. “I think I need to sit down.”

“You are sitting down,” Gryff told him. “And how much time, Toby?”

Her second-in-command paused, calculating. “Four months, two weeks and six days, give or take that they took my watch.”

“Seriously?” Jason asked again, just as armor-clanking footsteps sounded outside.

“Hello, gentlemen,” said Gryff, to the here Jaffa warriors. “I understand that the Presidential Suite is already booked, but if you could find us something with a Jacuzzi-”

The lead Jaffa- not a First Prime, she noticed- jabbed the butt of his staff weapon into her ribs, knocking the wind out of her.

“You are prisoners of the Mighty Clivicola. Work and serve her, or die.”

“Sir!” said Jason, indignant, frowning at Gryff. “Do you get us captured by the goddess Cherry Cola?”

“Clivicola,” Levi corrected. “Goddess of roads that slope upwards.”

“Silence!” roared the Jaffa. “You will work or you will die!”

“Remind me when we’re back on Earth,” wheezed Gryff, as they followed the Jaffa down the corridor, Toby’s hand under her elbow, “to ask Teal’c if there’s a script all warriors get, or if we just keep getting the dumb ones.”

“Knowing our luck, I’m betting it’s that second one,” said Jason.

“Hey!” said Gryff, loudly. “Is this a union gig? Because if it is, I want to make an appointment with my represent-”

That earned her another jab with the staff weapon, and Levi ducked under her other arm.

“Careful, Gryff,” he said. “You’ll have broken ribs before we even start our escape and- What?”

She was grinning. “You think we’re going to escape. You’re usually pretty pessimistic about that, Lee.”

“I think that hit knocked you silly,” he muttered, but smiled back.

Title: The Fifteenth Naquadah Mine (Short Version)
Prompt: writerverse challenge #17 back to basics, part 2 (cut story to 250 words)
Word Count: 250
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 reaches an off-world milestone
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

The Fifteenth Naquadah Mine (Short Version)

Gryff opened her eyes, immediately closed them against her pounding headache, then opened them and sat up. “SG-22, sound off!”

“Sir?” said Jason. “Please don’t tell me this is another naquadah mine.”

“Sorry, Jase,” said Toby.

“Yeah,” agreed Gryff. “Levi, you okay?”

“No,” said Levi. “I’m dead.”

“You’re not dead,,” said Jason. “Come on.”

Tobias looked around. “This is our fifteenth naquadah mine.”

“What, seriously?” asked Jason. “I need to sit down.”

“You are sitting down,” said Gryff. “Time-wise, Toby?”

“Four months, two weeks and six days.”

“Seriously?” Jason asked again.

“Hi,” said Gryff, to the approaching Jaffa. “We’d like a room with a Jacuzzi-”

The lead Jaffa used his staff weapon to knock the wind out of her.

“You are prisoners of the Mighty Clivicola. Work and serve her, or die.”

“Sir!” said Jason. “You got us captured by Cherry Cola?”

“Clivicola,” Levi corrected. “Goddess of sloping roads.”

“Silence!” roared the Jaffa. “You will work or you will die!”

“Remind me later,” wheezed Gryff, as they started walking, Toby’s hand under her elbow, “to ask Teal’c if there’s a script, or if we keep getting the dumb guards.”

“I’m betting it’s that second one,” said Jason.

“Hey!” said Gryff, loudly. “Is this a union gig? Because-”

That earned her another jab, and Levi ducked under her other arm.

“Careful, Gryff,” he said. “You’ll break ribs before we escape and- What?”

She grinned. “You think we’re going to escape.”

“That hit knocked you silly,” he muttered, smiling back.

Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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