[Stargate: Drabble] "Cold & Warm" [SG-22, G]

Jan 29, 2013 22:24

Title: Cold & Warm
Prompt: writerverse challenge #34 quick fic #11 (‘snow and ice’ & ‘abandonment’ )
Word Count: 735
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Pairings: none
Summary: Levi didn’t think anyone would really miss him, anyway.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_bookclub

Cold & Warm

It was cold. Really, really cold.

As a linguist, Levi thought he should probably be able to come up with a better word, but his brain just wouldn’t cooperate.


Levi pulled his jacket tighter around himself, trying to protect his fingers and neck from the wind. It had been a beautiful fall day when they’d arrived on PX-744, with a pleasant bite to the air which didn’t even hint that a massive blizzard was on the way. The storm had come out of nowhere, wind whipping the snow so hard that Levi could barely see. He had thought he was right behind Jason, headed back to the ‘gate, but then he’d looked up and discovered he was alone. Startled, his foot had caught on something and he tumbled, losing his pack along the way, to land at the bottom of a shallow ravine. He didn’t think anything was broken, but his ankle throbbed when he tried to stand, and he decided to stay put. At least, it wasn’t as windy here.

But it was still cold.

Snow gathered around him as Levi huddled against an outcropping in the rocky hill. The rest of SG-22 had probably made it back to the SGC by now. Maybe, when the storm ended, they’d send someone to look for him.

Really, really cold.

Maybe the storm wouldn’t end, and maybe no one was coming. Levi could almost understand if they didn’t. He wasn’t all that important, in the grand scheme of things. A storm like this could last for hours, maybe days. They couldn’t risk another team in weather like this just to find him.

Cold, so cold.

Levi didn’t think anyone would really miss him, anyway. There was probably a reason he’d spent less than forty-eight hours on SGs 2 through 21 before SG-22 had decided to keep him. But they were the last numbered team, so they probably hadn’t had much choice in scientists. Gryff would probably say something nice at his memorial, though. Toby and Jason would be there, too, standing by her side, and they’d tell his mother it had been an honor to serve with him, because they were noble that way. He wished he could thank them for that. Levi hoped SG-22’s next scientist could handle himself in the field better, for the next time they got thrown into a naquadah mine. He’d never been able to pull his own weight, but his team had never held it against him. He wished he could thank them for that, too.

Funny, it didn’t seem so cold anymore.

The wind howled, swirling snow all around him.

“Levi!” And now he was hearing things. “Levi!” Did the wind sound like Gryff because he’d been thinking of her? “Levi!” And like Toby and Jason, too. “Levi!” They were all back on Earth, of course, but it was nice to hear their voices, even if they were in his head.


Suddenly, there was a scrabbling sound from behind him, and a figure appeared out of the darkness. “Levi, thank god. Here! Boys, he’s here!”

“G-Gryff?” Levi croaked.

She knelt beside him and put her hands to his face, hot enough to burn. “My god, he’s frozen. Jason, get in here!”

The Marine pressed in beside them, radiating heat, and Levi closed his eyes. “Hey, Lee, no falling asleep,” said Jason.

Levi blinked. Jason was looking down at him, concern written all over his face. Nearby, Gryff and Toby were clearing away the snow and pulling a silver emergency blanket around the bunch of them.

“W-what are y-you d-doing here?” he managed.

Toby looked up from trying to rearrange four sets of legs. “You disappeared, Lee. Do you have any idea how scared we were?”

“S-scared?” His brain was speeding up, but that still wasn’t saying much. “B-but you went b-back to Earth.”

“Of course we didn’t!” said Gryff. “Not without you.”

“He must be delusional, sir,” added Jason, still warm and solid at Levi’s side, “if he thinks we’d leave him behind.”

Levi pressed his nose against Jason’s shoulder. “Thank you,” he breathed.

His teammates pulled him in tighter. “You’re ours, Levi,” said Gryff, as if that was reason to brave a blizzard without any winter gear for one lost sociologist.

But as their warmth seeped into him, not just from their body heat, but from their concern, he thought that maybe for them, it was.


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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