[Stargate: FanMix & Drabbles] "Right Beside You" [John/Rodney, G]

May 08, 2012 23:23

Title: Right Beside You
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100x15 (1500 total)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Note(s): (a) the zip file includes the cover art (b) each song has the drabble included in the properties under ‘comments’.

Zip File (updated 09/14/2012): http://www.sendspace.com/file/28gt6a

01. "My Best Friend" by: Weezer

I'm here right beside you
I will never leave you
and I feel the pain you feel when you start crying

You're my best friend
and I love you, and I love you
Yes I do

Not everyone was lucky enough to fall in love with their best friend. Fewer were lucky enough to be loved back, and fewer still had the good fortune to have that person truly be their soulmate.

John and Rodney had all three.

Not that everything was perfect, of course. They still fought, sometimes. There were miscommunications and disappointments. But there were also joys and celebrations and lazy days where they just stayed in bed tangled up together and were.

It was nothing like either of them had ever imagined.

It was better, because no matter what happened, they were together.

02. "FNT" by: Semisonic

Fascinating new thing
Get beside me
I want you to love me

I'm surprised that you've never been told before
That you're lovely and you're perfect
And that somebody wants you

John had known that Rodney tended to be bad with people, that he often ended up insulting them even when he didn’t mean to. So, he expected their romantic interactions to be just as endearingly awkward. He hadn’t expected the uncertainty.

It made John angry at everyone Rodney had ever known.

Because Rodney was beautiful. He was smart and funny and brave, and just when John thought he had him figured out, Rodney would find a new way to surprise him.

And that just made John want to study the mystery of Rodney McKay for the rest of their lives.

03. "1000 Oceans" by: Tori Amos

I can't believe that I would keep
Keep you from flying
And I would cry
A thousand more
If that's what it takes
To sail you home

As much as Rodney would have liked for John to keep both feet safely on the ground, he knew he couldn’t keep him from taking off in anything he could fly.

And Rodney didn’t try. Flying was part of who John was, in his soul. So, Rodney did what he could to make sure John came back. Usually, that meant going with him on whatever idiot plan he had, but sometimes all he could do was keep his favorite ‘jumper in perfect working order.

Rodney never tied John down, and maybe that was why John always came back to him.

04. “I Think I Love You” by: David Cassidy

Believe me you really don't have to worry
I only wanna make you happy and if you say "hey go away" I will
But I think better still I'd better stay around and love you
Do you think I have a case let me ask you to your face
Do you think you love me?

John wasn’t sure exactly when he’d fallen in love with Rodney.

It had to have been somewhere between pushing him off a balcony and realizing that his worst nightmare was no longer clowns and/or watching people under his command die, but was, in fact, losing Rodney.

He’d known he liked Rodney, sure. But he couldn’t really pinpoint when wanting to hang out and watch sci-fi movies had turned into the bone-deep knowledge that his future was completely and utterly linked with Rodney’s.

After a while, he figured that the ‘when’ didn’t matter. Because Rodney was in love with him, too.

05. “Stay” by: Miley Cyrus

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay
I'll always stay

Actually, Rodney was surprised it had taken them this long to have a real fight. They were both stubborn, emotionally-challenged people, so the fact that they hadn’t had any major issues before now was something short of miraculous.

Their fight also coincided with a request from the SGC for Rodney to consult about an Ancient something-or-other they’d found, so he quickly accepted, stepping through the wormhole to Earth before John could try to change his mind.

He’d been working a week when the message came, encrypted with a familiar mathematical cypher- I need you, Rodney. Come home.

And he did.

06. “Guns and Horses” by: Ellie Goulding

But I wish I could feel it all for you
I wish I could be it all for you
If I could erase the pain
Then maybe you'd feel the same
I'd do it all for you, I would
I would, I would, I would

John was not good with emotions, not other people’s and especially not his own. He wasn’t that great at talking, either- if he didn’t understand how he was feeling, how was he supposed to explain it to someone else?

And, amazingly enough, Rodney seemed to get that.

Which, paradoxically, made him want to tell Rodney stuff. Because Rodney understood the effort it took to say things like that, to find the right words. And even when he couldn’t figure out a way to get what he wanted to say right, Rodney usually understood what he’d been trying to say, anyway.

07. "Help Me Make It Through the Night" by: Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash

I don't care what's right or wrong,
I don't try to understand.
Let the devil take tomorrow.
Lord, tonight I need a friend.

It had been a really, really, really bad day.

Not a catastrophic day- Atlantis was still standing, nothing nuclear-powered had been detonated, nobody was dead- but just an all-around very not good twenty-four hours.

They’d had to split up to handle all the little non-lethal but still dangerous problems, Rodney taking one side of the city, and John going with Zelenka around the other, trying to stay one step ahead of the trouble.

By the time they got back to their room, they did nothing but fall into bed, automatically curling around each other. They were asleep within seconds. Together.

08. “Harbor” by: Vienna Teng

You've got a journey to make
There's your horizon to chase
So go far beyond where we stand
No matter the distance
I'm holding your hand

Rodney had never been anyone’s emotional anchor before. Not surprising, as most people didn’t see verbalizing every stray feeling as emotionally balanced. Still, that was several magnitudes more healthy than completely ignoring any and all emotions.

But, somehow, he understood how John was feeling without him having to explain.

John still tried, usually unsuccessfully, and Rodney appreciated the effort, but he discovered that he didn’t actually need the words. He knew when to fill in the gaps with words of his own and when to accept the silence.

Because with John, the silences could be just as powerful as words.

09. “Kiss You” by: Iio

I'd wake up, and make love to you if I had you
I would touch you so much, but I'm not allowed to
What I hate is to wait, but in this case I'm patient
I'm discreet, I'm not weak, I just need the moment

The moment John’s fingers touched the crystal surface of the Ancient doohickey, he could see it. Not the future, just a possibility.

Him and Rodney, together. Moving around each other to brush their teeth in the morning, stealing food from each other’s plates, going on missions, sitting through briefings, fighting and laughing and just living, falling asleep curled up together every night for the rest of their lives.

And he wanted that, with Rodney, so much it almost hurt.

John looked up and knew Rodney had seen it, too.

He leaned in for a kiss- and Rodney met him halfway.

10. “Me Without You” by: Ashley Tisdale

You make me feel beautiful (beautiful)
When I have nothing left to prove
And I can't imagine
How I'd make it through
There's no me without you
No me without you

Even after years in the Pegasus Galaxy, Rodney still panicked sometimes. It was hard not to, what with all the terrifying things trying to kill them on a regular basis. And even a genius was allowed a moment to believe that they were going to die any second.

But then he suddenly found John beside him, leaning in close to say with absolute certainty, “You can do this, Rodney.”

It worked, every time. The panic evaporated, and Rodney had a plan before he even started moving. “Of course I can do this. I’m a genius.”

John grinned. “Yeah, my genius.”

11. “Tell Me Where It Hurts” by: Garbage

Tell me where it hurts and to hell with everybody else
All I care about is you and that's the truth
They don't love me, I can tell
But you do, so they can go to hell

When the guards dumped John back in their cell, he decided to stay where he was- for strategic purposes, of course, not because he couldn’t quite get his arms or legs to move.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” demanded a harsh voice, contrasting with the gentle hands that began brushing over his skin.

John managed to open his eyes. “Hey, Rodney.”

“Idiot,” Rodney snapped, even as he eased John up to sit against the wall. “You antagonized them, didn’t you? Typical.”

“Yeah,” John agreed, and leaned sideways against Rodney’s shoulder.

Rodney rolled his eyes and held on tight.

12. "I Am Understood" by: Relient K

You're the only one who understands completely
You're the only one who knows me yet still loves (me) completely
And sometimes the place I'm at is at a loss of words
If I think of something worthy, I know that it is already yours

The first time Rodney missed a date with John because he got caught up in a project and completely lost track of the time, he certainly did not expect John to turn up in the lab with a tray of sandwiches.

“Um…” he said.

‘You lost track of time, didn’t you?” said John, but he sounded amused, not upset.

“I didn’t mean to,” Rodney said, wincing.

John only grinned. “It’s gonna take more than one missed date to get me mad at you, Rodney.”


“Really. Although, you will have to make it up to me.”

Rodney grinned. “Oh, absolutely.”

13. "You Picked Me" by: A Fine Frenzy

Like an apple on a tree
Hiding out behind the leaves
I was difficult to reach
But you picked me
Like a shell upon a beach
Just another pretty piece
I was difficult to see
But you picked me

“All right, out with it, Sheppard,” said Rodney, as he climbed into bed. “Every time I’ve seen you for the past week, you looked like you wanted to tell me something. So, let’s have it.”

John took a deep breath. “I’m just…” he began, reaching out to catch Rodney’s hand. His fingers brushed the band of gold around Rodney’s finger and he grinned. “It’s been five years, and that’s just the official number. I’m just feeling lucky, that’s all.”

“Hey,” said Rodney, turning their hands so that his wedding ring clinked against John’s matching one. “I’m feeling pretty lucky, too.”

14. “The Real Thing” by: Gwen Stefani

I've held you too many times to count
I think I know you inside out
And we're together most days
But I still love to have you around

Rodney had gotten grumpy in his old age. Grumpier, John told him, cheerfully and often.

But the fact that John was still around to call him names was enough to make Rodney smile. He’d been worried for so many years that one of John’s idiot suicide missions would actually kill him, but he’d made it.

They’d both made it, together.

And they were still together, that was the amazing thing. John knew him better than anyone ever had, he’d seen Rodney at his absolute worst, and he was still there.

And if that wasn’t love, Rodney didn’t know what was.

15. "Chemicals React" by: Aly and AJ

We lived and we loved
And we hurt and we joked, yeah
But the planets all aligned
When you looked into my eyes
And just like that
The chemicals react

When they were together, there weren’t any sparks.

Reactions like that, the bright flashy ones, were short-lived, a brief flare and then both components were gone.

What John and Rodney had wasn’t like that at all. They weren’t a chemical reaction- they were an alloy. Two elements that came together to make an entirely new substance, no longer the separate pieces they had been before, but a single whole that was stronger than either could be alone.

Together, they were better people than they had been apart, each changed for the better by being with the other.

Together, for good.

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drabble, john/rodney, stargate atlantis, fanmix

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