[Stargate: Drabble] "Home for Christmas" [Sam/Jack, G]

Jan 02, 2012 04:11

Title: Home for Christmas
Author: Ami Ven
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill
Genre: het.
Prompt: 100_tales #053 'home'
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Setting: part of my general future!verse but can be read alone
Summary: Sam didn’t even change out of her uniform, before driving home and letting herself quietly in the front door.

Home for Christmas

Sam had saved the world several times over. She was the head of the SGC, a major general and well on her way to a promotion to a third star. And most of the time, she tried to take no special privileges.

Once in a while, though, she took every perk she could- like calling the orbiting Apollo to beam her directly from her meetings in D.C. (where, still, after all these years, they had to prove how badly the SGC needed its funding) back to her office in Cheyenne Mountain.

Sam didn’t even change out of her uniform, before driving home and letting herself quietly in the front door.

The whole house was dark, except for the Christmas tree, which gave off just enough light for her to see the three figures fast asleep on the couch. Three-year-old Jake was curled up at one end, wrapped up in a blanket and clutching his stuffed bear. His baby sister, A.J., lay sprawled in her father’s lap- Sam thought Jack had intended to put the children to bed, but had fallen asleep himself.

As Sam crept closer, she bumped the laptop on the coffee table, which switched from sleep mode to a display of NORAD’s Santa Tracker. The sudden light woke Jack, who blinked at her.

“You’re not Santa,” he whispered, smiling

She grinned back. “You want me to go find him?”

“You want to put these two to bed and fool around by the Christmas tree?” he countered.

Sam leaned in for a kiss. “You’re on.”

“Sweet,” said Jack. He rose, carefully passing the still-sleeping baby to Sam, then picking up Jake, bear and all. As they headed toward the kids’ rooms, he added, “I’m glad you’re home, Carter.”

She leaned around two sleeping children for another kiss. “Me, too.”


Current Mood:


series, 100_tales, drabble, stargate, sam/jack

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