Title: In Tel Aviv
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Prompt: suggested by
bobdeloyd, who asked for Secret Service Agent Kate, maybe meeting Ziva
Fandom: NCIS
Character(s): Kate Todd, Ziva David (and the presidents of the USA & Israel)
Summary: "You are Secret Service?" asked a voice.
In Tel Aviv
Air Force One landed smoothly in Tel Aviv, and Secret Service Agent Kate Todd rose from her seat.
She wasn't on the President's immediate detail, but she still had a job to do. A more important one, in her opinion. If anyone or anything got close enough to the President that his detail even knew about it, she'd failed.
Kate took her position at the edge of the crowd, with a clear view of the President's podium. "Agent Todd, standing by," she said, into her earpiece.
She tuned out the President's speech, then the Israeli president's reply, instead scanning the crowd.
"You are Secret Service?" asked a voice.
Kate turned to see a woman, about her own age, detach herself from the crowd. She had dark hair held back in a kerchief, wore nondescript street clothes and held a sealed envelope in one hand.
"Yes," said Kate, warily.
The woman smiled. "I am Mossad. These are maps of the city, including potential hiding places for ambushes or snipers, updated as of this morning. See that they do not fall into the wrong hands."
She vanished without another word. "Thanks," Kate called after her, and went to pass the intel along.
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