Title: Wilderness Training
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Prompt: suggested by
nakeisha when I asked for things to write
Fandom: NCIS
Character(s): L.J. Gibbs, Tony DiNozzo, Ziva David, Tim McGee
Summary: Gibbs's team has a different definition of 'wilderness training' than their guide.
Wilderness Training
Gibbs heard the sound of someone approaching long before their 'guide' made her appearance through the trees. She was out of breath, despite the fact that it was less than two hundred feet from the road she must have taken from the Ranger Station, and she did not look happy.
"What is going on here?" she demanded.
"Hey, Annabelle," said Tony, from the other side of their campfire. "I thought you weren't going to come check on us until tomorrow."
"What is going on here?" she repeated.
"Wilderness training," said Gibbs, not looking up from the stick he was sharpening with his ever-present knife.
"Yes, in the wilderness!" Annabelle cried. "You were supposed to be hiking for another three hours, at least."
"Made good time," replied Gibbs.
"But-" she spluttered. "But-"
"Oh, we figured out your directions were wrong," said Tony. "We had our McGeek look us up some new ones."
"But we didn't send you with any supplies!"
"Rule nine," said Gibbs, "always carry a knife."
"Speaking of which..." said Tony. "How'd your fishing go, Probies?"
Annabelle jumped as Ziva and McGee appeared in the circle of firelight.
"Very well," the Israeli replied, nodding to the large trout her partner was reluctantly carrying.
"The fish is safe to eat here," put in McGee. "We checked."
Annabelle threw up her hands in frustration. "This is supposed to be a learning exercise!" she cried. "You were supposed to be team-building and learning to depend on each other! The rest of the teams are still lost in the woods!"
"Does that mean we have won?" asked Ziva.
"No! You- you cheated!"
"Rule eighteen," said Gibbs. "Better to ask forgiveness than permission."
The other three grinned at her. "Want to join us for dinner?" Tony asked.
Annabelle sighed. "Oh, why not?"
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