[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Twenty-Four" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

Jun 06, 2011 00:51

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Twenty-Four
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge (continued)
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala, Sam/Jack, Rya'c/Kar'yn
Summary: "It's been fifty years, you know."
Note(s): there are a total of twenty-four parts, so this is finally the end!



By mutual consent, Daniel and Vala had agreed not to decorate their fiftieth anniversary party with gold.

They'd taken one look at the example displays in the catalogues, had simultaneous and rather disturbing flashbacks to tacky Goa'uld decorating, then picked out tablecloths in a pale brown the color of the sand on Abydos with plates and cutlery and fabric drapes in the same green of old SGC uniforms. Technically, their kids were supposed to plan a party like this, but only two of them were ever on the planet at any given time, so Sam and Teal'c helped and Cam hindered, and one way or another, everything got done.

They also pulled more than a few strings to make sure everyone was there- "We need to celebrate the happy occasions, too," said Vala, when Daniel saw the proposed guest list, and neither of them actually said that the last time their family had been all together was Jack's funeral- and for once, it seemed that the universe was with them, because no intergalactic incidents turned up to keep anyone from coming.

Hours later, when they'd all eaten too much food, and only the younger people were left on the dance floor, Vala snagged another glass of champagne and plopped down into the chair beside Teal'c.

"Enjoying yourself, Muscles?" she asked.

He smiled. "Indeed. This celebration appears to be a great success."

They watched a group of the great-grandchildren go racing past, then Vala said, "It's been fifty years, you know."

Teal'c arched an eyebrow at her. "Fifty years of marriage is significant, especially given how your relationship began."

"No, not that," she said, waving her champagne glass impatiently. "It's been fifty years since... more than that, actually, since... since what may or may not have happened on the Odyssey."

"When the timeline reset itself, you asked me what transpired in those years," he said.

"And you refused to tell me," she sulked. "For years."

He arched one eyebrow again. "And, yet, you did not ask me after fifty years had passed. Do you still wish to know?"

Vala looked around at their assembled family.

At the nearest table, Daniel, Zoë and Jake were deep in conversation about a temple they'd found on PX-something-or-other, blue eyes bright and hands moving animatedly. Benny and A.J. had started a game of paper football with half a dozen of the grandchildren, none of them belonging to either one. Off to one side, Ernie was trying to convince his Aunt Sam to dance with him- as they watched, he succeeded and pulled her onto the floor. Cassie was there with her daughter, Miranda. Rya'c and Kary'n and their children, all together, all happy.

"I did want to know," said Vala, softly. "But I didn't know then that I'd have all this. Nothing we did on the Odyssey could compare to watching my children, all our children, grow up. I don't want to wonder about what might have been and miss what I have."

Teal'c smiled.


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daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, fifty years drabble series

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