[Original: Drabble] "Places Have Their Moments" [Jones & Howell, G]

Jan 13, 2023 02:46

Title: Places Have Their Moments
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 40, prompt 06 “In My Life” (by The Beatles)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original: Jones & Howell
Summary: I sometimes went back to the library.

Places Have Their Moments

I sometimes went back to the library.

I had worked there for years, starting in high school, and had enjoyed it. I had once thought I’d spend my career there - or another library like it - but that wasn’t to be. I had stayed away from the building for a long time after I was Bitten, until I’d gotten my life and my future back together.

Now, it was a place that held old memories - a place to visit, not to stay.

I smiled at the unfamiliar kid who checked out my books, and headed back outside into the fading twilight.


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drabble, original fiction, jones_and_howell, writerverse

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