[Original: Drabble] "Mini Me" [Jones & Howell, G]

Nov 19, 2020 03:30

Title: Mini Me
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 24, challenge 15 (halloween)
Word Count: 323
Rating: G
Original: Jones & Howell
Summary: Jones gets a tiny surprise on Halloween night.
Note(s): this was original written in 2017 - a Jones & Howell drabble about police accountability is in the works

Mini Me

I was just finishing my morning cup of coffee - ‘morning’ being my term for when I get up, of course, it was actually four in the afternoon - when there was a knock at my apartment door.

I didn’t often get visitors, unless something in the building was locked or broken and one of my neighbors needed my help. And I especially didn’t get them right before I usually left for work, unless it was Howell, and he’d have already been yelling.

Curious, I opened the door - and grinned.

“Trick or treat!” yelled Carly Varona.

“Aren’t you cute,” I said, grinning.

My little neighbor grinned back. “I’m a police lady, just like you, Officer Zeke.”

Her costume was clearly homemade, but she had a good eye for details. “It’s awesome,” I told her, honestly. “But isn’t it a little early for trick-or-treating?”

Carly’s father, waiting behind her in the hallway, smiled at me. “A little,” he agreed. “But she was just so excited to show you her costume.”

“And I’m excited to see it. Thanks for coming by before I leave for work, Carly. I would have been really sad to miss it later.”

“You’re welcome!” the girl said, brightly. “And Officer Zeke?”

“Yes, Carly?”

“Can I take a picture with you?”

“I was just about to suggest the same thing,” I told her. “Do you think your dad will take it for us?”

She turned pleading eyes to him, and he laughed, holding up his phone. “Say ‘cheese’.”

I knelt so that Carly and I would be in the frame together and grinned as he took our picture. “Perfect,” I said - then, “Could you e-mail me a copy?”

With a last grin, Carly and her father headed back to their own apartment and I headed off to the police station. I was sure I could handle the weirdness that always came with the graveyard shift on Halloween night a little bit better now.


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drabble, jones_and_howell, writerverse

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