Wow, first post...the excitement!

May 09, 2005 19:44

Well, I finally got one! Though I doubt it will be particularly pretty anytime soon.. what with probably having to pay for such things!

Had a good day today, which was a nice change after last week. Am feeling all sober, calm and *almost* ready to run my own wine shop... hopefully by the end of this week I will *actually* feel capable, as that is what they are supposed to be training me to do...

Not much happening really, still waiting on Jo to return from NY so I have someone to drink wine and moan about boys with again! Contemplating what to do on Friday... either Simon Munnery or the long shot of convincing Jo that she will really want to go to this 'horror hospital' goth night I found listed in the Guardian. Which I have found to be particularly useful here in London as it actually has local listings for everything... nothin so advanced in either Edinburgh or Birmingham... but I suppose it is a country all on its own down here!

Apart from that, the continuing search for somewhere cheaper to live and nearer Clapham, where my new shop will be... no luck so far, but then I haven't actually got round to phoning anyone.... its a pain, cos although I know I can't afford to stay where I am, I have actually started to settle in, and the new guy that moved in is actually a really nice guy... ah well, such is life...

Anyway... umm, I think that will do...
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