Title: No Regrets
Rating: R - adult content
Summary: What should have happened in the beginning of HBP, how Harry should have been, and what Hermione should have done about it.
Disclaimer: Belongs to JK Rowling, for some reason. I think Stephenie Meyer should have it, personally, but whatev...
A/N: Beware the heavy Twilight influences!
I’ve always had this feeling about you, Harry, like I was meant to know you…like my future was tied up with yours. )
Comments 11
JKR is a dumb for not seeing the perfection of this pairing. But who cares when we've got fanfic and good writers like you? :)
Thanks for sharing!
I also agree with amandioka's comment about still having Fanfiction to correct any mistakes on pairings. Thanks for sharing your story! Hope you can post another soon. Ja ne.
So sweet and lovely! I needed that. :)
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