Some People Never Change

Jul 19, 2014 02:54

Title: Some People Never Change
Chapter: The double surprise third part to Fresh to Death/Seduction Leads to Destruction! Gnarly!
Author: americanaffair
Beta: It's 2am here, I won't be bothering anyone with my desperate need for a beta. If you see a problem, please comment and let me know! I trust you, my good reader, that you won't let me down.
Pairing: Jalex (What a surprise!) (I can taste your sarcasm) (I trust you'll swallow it) [Guys, stop fighting here, new people might not understand our level of weird] (Just saying) (IT'S ALL WE KNOW HOW TO WRITE, OKAY?!)
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd, fairly Jack-centric
Summary: Because even after all this time, fucking years, and all the reasons why Jack knew he should not be attracted to Alexander William Gaskarth, whenever he even imagined that doorknob leading downstairs, he felt his dick twitch to life. Despite his greatest efforts to curb the desire, Jack knew that he just wanted it, and the added forbidden fruit vibe made it that much more illicit and delicious.
Background: This is a one shot, so it's self contained, but it's set in the same little universe (or as I call it, reality) as Fresh to Death and Seduction Leads to Destruction, meaning a few things that happened in those smuts are also referenced here, but you don't really need to read them because pwp is pwp, brah. Anyway, this story is set like, right now, and those stories were set when they were written, and if that timeline doesn't make any sense, I'm sorry. I don't make a lot of sense, but that's okay. I don't need to make sense to write porn.
Warning: There's some dialouge that kind of reads as non-con, also so much cross dressing and it's SO GOOD
Disclaimer: If you googled yourself to get here, keep reading. I promise, you're really going to love it. It's an ode to your greatness. But for real, people belong to their respective selves, title and cut link to The Maine.
Authors notes: GUESS WHO'S BACK!? Now would be a good time to get out that cake I'm sure you've had on standby for the last year, and also a good time to remove  your clothes, because all good parties end with everyone naked so let's just skip the introductions and get right to the good part. Which, ironically enough, is exactly how I presume you'll read this fic. And I don't blame you. Anyway! I'm back and I'm sure you'll all happily accept me back into your lives! If not, I can be pretty convincing *wink wink nudge nudge I'm good with my fingers, I typed this whole thing in one sitting OH*. AmericanAffair loves having the pleasure to pleasure you, please comment for continued dirtiness! I'm also currently taking requests to get myself back into the regular writing grind, smut is my preferance but I will take whatever you throw at me. Or in me. However you wanna do this.

Everything happened so long ago that Jack didn't even bother trying to resurface his old feelings anymore. It had been back in the day, before a major label album and so many sold out tours and they were still young enough to get away with it. Jack and Alex had their thing, whatever you'd want to call it, but it was never meant to be. Jack kept repeating that part to himself. It was never meant to be. You can't just start a relationship on hey-I-found-these-stockings-that-I-think-you-like-wearing-and-yeah-that's-hot-we're-fucking-oh-also-I'm-a-crazy-sexual-deviant-aren't-we-a-cute-SECRET-couple?

When Jack really looked back on it, they hardly had a relationship that extended past their friendship and mutual kinks. That's what Alex had said to him, and Jack worked really hard to believe that, to set aside his feelings for the sake of their band and the fans. But isn't that what a relationship is, too? The kind where you wake up in bed with someone and don't mind the way their mouth tastes in the morning because it's theirs? Doesn't that stem from friendship and gradually build it's way up to, hopefully, mutual turn ons?
Jack sighed, running a hand through his wet hair and reaching for the remote to the television. Hotel nights were pretty rad, except on the nights he roomed with Alex. Maybe Alex wasn't as susceptible to the obvious tension, but Alex was far too intelligent not to pick up on it. Alex was just a better actor. Their friendship had kind of taken a toll, after that afternoon at Alex's and the basement and.

No, stop.

Because even after all this time, fucking years, and all the reasons why Jack knew he should not be attracted to Alexander William Gaskarth, whenever he even imagined that doorknob leading downstairs, he felt his dick twitch to life. Despite his greatest efforts to curb the desire, Jack knew that he just wanted it, and the added forbidden fruit vibe made it that much more illicit and delicious. In general, being at Alex's mercy was a memory he kept close to his heart. And head. Both heads really enjoyed that memory.
Jack laughed to himself at the thought, just as Alex emerged from the bathroom, steam spilling out from the doorway when he walked into the bedroom. His gray sweatpants hung low on his hips, low enough that there was still a patch of skin exposed all the way around between them and his thin black v-neck shirt.

“What's so funny?” Alex asked, running the towel through his hair again before discarding it on the floor.

“TV,” Jack pointed nonchalantly. If anything, time had improved his ability to lie.

“You're watching the news,” Alex said, looking at the TV, then back to Jack.

“Skimming channels, saw a Slap Chop commercial,” he held his gaze momentarily, then retreated it back to the screen.

“Dude, whatever happened to Slap Chop?” Alex wondered aloud, bending over to rifle through his bag.

“Hookers happened, my friend. Hookers and drugs.”

“Shame,” Alex mused, pulling on a hoodie and climbing into his bed. “All good things, ruined.”

“What did you say?” Jack shifted, looking at Alex through the faint light of the TV.

“Good things, ruined,” the older man repeated himself with a shrug.

“Ruined by what?”

“Sex,” and with that, Alex rolled over and went to sleep.

“Motherfucker,” Jack whispered to himself a few minutes later, when he heard soft snores being emitted from Alex's side of the room.

Jack laid there, awake, for at least an hour. His thoughts kept racing, and he couldn't calm himself down, no matter what trick he tried. Alex, he never said things like that. He never, ever brought up the past. Unless he wasn't, and he was honestly just commenting on the Slap Chop.

But no, no fucking way he would be so suddenly serious about a fancy food cutter. If Jack knew anything about Alex, from all his years experience as being his right hand man, it was that he thought before he spoke. Maybe not as much as Zack, admittedly sometimes his filter escaped him, albeit with the aid of drugs or a few drinks. However, when it came to Jack, and it came to whatever they used to be, he would only to remind Jack that the past is “often times best left forgotten” and that “for the better of everyone, we should both just move on”. So why was he suddenly bringing it up? Over a commercial that hadn't even aired, although he didn't know that. Or maybe he did?

Jack's head was just spinning, and he just couldn't to simmer down, in fact he felt even more like a pot of boiling water, threatening to spill over the side. Maybe if Alex wasn't sleeping in the bed right beside of him, maybe if it had been a nonchalant comment made via text message. There were so many variables. Jack knew that there would be only one thing he could really do to get out of his head, because in all honesty, there had really only ever been one way for him to get the fuck out of his mind.

He stood up from his bed, reaching carefully into his duffel bag parked on the wall side of the mattress, while Alex slept on from his side of the room. His fingers made contact with a little bag, just a drawstring backpack, the kind that populates the back of everyone at Warped Tour, and he extracted it. Silently, Jack stood up from his bed and crept his way into the bathroom, shutting the door with only the tiniest squeak.

The room was still humid from Alex's shower, Jack didn't know how his body could tolerate water of such extreme temperature. He studied himself in the mirror. He was still good looking, right? Jack sighed, turning on the faucet just slightly to splash some cold water in his face and make sure this wasn't a dream. He hadn't done something like this with Alex right there, on the other side of the wall in a very, very long time. And he had intended to keep it that way, but may all promises be damned.

He shrugged out of his shirt and pulled his boxers down his long legs, running his index finger up his calf. He wished that he had shaved earlier in the shower, but he hadn't really been thinking this far ahead in the night as this being anywhere near a possible outcome. Glancing at himself one more time in the mirror, almost like bidding a farewell, he turned around, opening the bag and spilling its contents onto the ground.

Jack shuddered, feeling his cock go from a semi to raging erection in a matter of seconds as he looked at the clothes now laying on the tile. He reached first for the panties, soft white silky lace, and turned them over in his calloused hands. Somewhere inside, his subconscious was still in shock that this, of all things, was the one thing that got him going the most. Sure, he could fuck someone, or be fucked by someone, and like it. But dressing himself up in this little number... it was something else. Every time he had sex, it was like Christmas Eve. It's great, it's exciting, but it's not Christmas Day level. When you bolt down the stairs in the early morning and look at the tree, all dressed up, and the presents underneath that today can finally be opened.

He slid the panties up his legs and rested them on his hips. The way the fabric caressed him was nearly sinful. Taking a deep breath, Jack reached for the stockings, first his right leg, then left. They stopped just at the top of his thigh, a white lace border that matched the sheer white fabric. Now he didn't dare look in the mirror.

Was he ashamed of himself? In a strange way, yes, he was. Undeniably, this was the most feminine, girly, stupid kink. Jack Barakat didn't consider himself a man's man, but he was not a girl. Always that thought echoed in his mind. I am not a girl. It just turned him on so much, thinking back to Alex's hands tracing up and down his body, the way he just looked at Jack that very first night, eyes darkened by lust and desire. Jack needed that.

The humiliation added just the right touch, maybe that was what brought him to this. It was utterly embarrassing, being a dude and dressed like a chick, not as a joke but on purpose. He craved that too, when someone Alex made him blush. Even if they were out at the bar with all the guys and he made a joke at Jack's expense. Something about Alex Gaskarth just drove him over the edge.

Jack grabbed the skirt, a short plaid number that he'd purchased from one of those cheesy woman's Halloween costume store. Slutty school girls might not be his thing, but their trademark outfits undeniably were. The skirt was pathetic, hardly reaching mid thigh, resting just above where the stockings stopped. It was pleated and, on a girl, would leave very little to the imagination. On Jack, it had the same effect, although this wasn't something he'd be wearing out to a costume party. Or maybe he would, on the off chance it would spark that same hunger behind Alex's eyes.

Lastly came the top, a little short sleeve shirt that tied in the front, leaving his stomach totally exposed. He tried to knot it in a nice bow, but his hands were shaking to the point that he just took what he could get. Jack swallowed thickly, then turned around once again to face his own reflection.

He wasn't sure what he anticipated to see. From the neck up, he was still the same guy who had been there only moments before. But from there south... He looked like a whore. And he fucking loved it. Everything just felt right. His dick pressing up against the elastic waist band of the panties, legs sheathed in that same white, skirt resting low on his hips, even the white shirt with his hard nipples poking at the cotton, everything became purely sensation. Jack was almost lost in ecstasy, and he hadn't even touched himself, save for tucking his junk into the lingerie.

That was when he heard a knock on the bathroom door.

“Uh, yeah?” He called out, hearing his own voice crack just slightly. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He started to undo the shirt, but just couldn't bring himself to untie the knot.

“Jack?” Alex said, and he did not sound like someone who had just been sleeping ten or fifteen minutes ago. He couldn't put a finger on it, but something about his tone rang as simultaneously being familiar and foreign.

“Yeah?” Jack repeated himself, now shivering.

“What're you doing?” Alex asked, and Jack could hear the door creak slightly as the other man rested his body weight against it.

“Just, uh. Had to brush my teeth and shave,” Jack said quickly, praying that Alex wouldn't call him on the fact that the faucet had only been running for a second. If he'd even heard the faucet running, since he was supposed to be dead asleep.

“Jack, come out here,” and there it was again. There was a rough edge to his voice, it came almost as an order.

“Okay, let me just-”

“No. Jack. I want. Fuck. Please, come out here,” And then Jack heard the door creak once more, footsteps padding away, towards the bed.

He contemplated it, staring into the mirror. He could change, very quickly and probably not so quietly, but then Alex would know that something was up. Or he could walk out of the bathroom, dressed like a slutty little schoolgirl, and try playing with fire once more.
Jack knew that his mind was already made up. It already had been made up, the minute he'd stepped into the bathroom.

He opened the door, flicking off the switch, leaving the television as their only light source.

“Fuck,” Alex exhaled, and Jack turned around to look at him. “Fuck, I didn't know that you still. Fuck.”

Jack felt his face go immediately crimson, which only made him that much harder. The cat caught his tongue, rendering him speechless.

“Jack,” Alex whispered, and he shifted so that there was space for him to sit on the bed.

Walking nervously, he stepped carefully over, seating himself delicately on the edge of the mattress. Instantly, Alex's hand found its way to his thigh, running over the fabric, exploring the feel of the stockings.

“Lex,” Jack mumbled, still blushing. He couldn't bring himself to make eye contact, despite that being the thing he wanted so badly. His eyes were trained on his feet.

“I'm so sorry, Jack. I'm sorry for being such a dick. I'm sorry for telling you that we couldn't. I. I was wrong. All I've done is want you, and I kept convincing myself that I couldn't have you, that it wasn't right. I knew. I knew as soon as I heard you get up. I just had this feeling that I couldn't shake,” Alex said, rubbing his hand in careful circles on Jack's thigh.

“I've felt the same way,” Jack admitted with a nervous laugh. “I can't. It's just always been you. You just get to me, and you get in my head, and I wanted to hate you for it but I could never hate someone who. Who made me feel like. Like, I don't know. Just something. Something good.”

“Is it wrong, Jack? This? I mean, shit, you're my best friend. Even when we were whatever you want to call it, I was so terrified of losing you. And I guess the fear was so much that it stopped me dead in my tracks,” Alex said. And Jack understood, finally, it made perfect sense. Alex had always seemed so guarded, everywhere but when they were in the bedroom together. When they had sex, it's like both of them went off the tracks, but Alex was always sure to get right back on when they were done.

“I think. I think that if we both like it. We're both consenting adults. This doesn't hurt anyone. We've always been good at that, Lex. We can work shit out between the two of us, we always have since we were in fucking high school.”

“Yeah,” Alex mumbled, and Jack could tell that he had his head turned for a split second. Finally, Jack permitted himself to look up, and they caught one anothers eyes. Alex shuddered an exhale. “I want this,” he finally spoke, breaking their stare. “I want this weird, fucked up thing. I want it now and I'll want it tomorrow because I wanted it yesterday and the day before.”

“Me too,” Jack was in utter disbelief. All this time, he'd been so sure that Alex as almost... sickened by him. The awkward was always pertinent between them. Even on stage, he knew that it had translated. There were quite a few shows where the banter between band mates rang insincere, like a reality show script.

That must've been all Alex needed to hear, because suddenly his lips were upon his, feverishly. His kiss was carnal, immediately Jack wrapped his arms around his neck and tangled a hand in his hair. Alex bit his lower lip, rubbing his tongue against it softly, then pulling away and watching the skin snap back to place. Jack groaned as the older man ran his hand up further, skimming underneath the skirt and resting on his hip, toying with the edge of the panties.

Slowly, Alex laid down, pulling Jack to straddle his waist. He was still wearing those gray sweatpants, but must've discarded the shirt earlier. Jack ran a hand up and down his chest while the other remained in his hair, keeping their lips connected. Alex licked across Jack's teeth, and the younger opened his mouth to grant him access. Their tongues met, circling one another, although Jack would always submit. Alex's hand ghosted across his dick, and Jack moaned into his mouth, not even caring about how obscene all of this must look. Well, a part of him did care, but only because he liked how filthy they were being, like wild animals.

Jack was grinding his hips down against Alex, and he could feel the other man's cock was at full attention. Finally, he broke the kiss, both of them panting. “Lex, fuck, please, I wanna-”

“Yeah, yeah,” Alex said quickly, already knowing where he was headed with his words.

He swung his leg over and stood, but quickly dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed. Alex sat up, moving so that he was directly in front of Jack, and pushed his sweatpants down to mid thigh. Immediately, his dick sprang out. And Jack had to admit, Alex probably had one of the nicest cocks he had ever seen. It was big, easily seven inches, and just about three fingers thick. He remembered riding him all those times, and fuck he wanted that. But not right now.

Stretching his jaw out for just a second, Jack wasted no time in taking all of his band mate in his mouth. He was always grateful for his apparent lack of a gag reflex, because it came with relative ease to deep throat, moving slowly up and down his length. Jack's own dick was begging for attention, but he liked to wait. He liked the feeling of being desperate for even just a little touch.

Jack continued to blow him like that for a minute, then switched it up, moving to take just the head in his mouth and suck. He heard Alex exhale sharply at the feeling, and a hand came to tangle in his hair. Jack ran his tongue up and down his cock, lapping at it like a cat. Alex pulled, hard, on his hair when Jack went to deep throat him again, which brought the younger to a whole new level. He was hardly aware anymore of the ache in his knees and jaw, no longer concerned with the pain that accompanied being in this position for so long. If Alex told him to, he would suck his dick for hours, just because he said.

Continuing at the same pace, he hollowed his cheeks and when he reached the base of Alex's dick, looked up through his bangs into the other man's eyes.

“Fuck, Jack, god you look like such a slut. You're loving this, aren't you? You've been dying to have my cock in your mouth for so long, I bet you would've done a-anything. In your little fucking, oh,” he moaned again, and Alex couldn't stop himself from bucking his hips. “Stop, stop,” he ordered sharply, pulling Jack's hair backwards.

“Why?” He mumbled, clearly semi-incoherent.

“Really? It only took that long to get you so far under?” Alex mused, and Jack couldn't tell if he was talking to himself or not, but it didn't really matter. When you're right, you're right. “Get back up,” he said, and Jack immediately complied. He stood in front of him, taking deep breaths.

“Let's talk for a minute, shall we?” Alex murmured, and just by the sound of his voice alone, it sent shivers up his spine, while goosebumps erupted along his arms.

“Okay,” Jack said, and felt his face redden more.

“What are we wearing, hm?” Alex said, and he tugged at Jack's arm, causing him to fall down into his lap. Alex turned him around, so that Jack was sitting on him, facing the wall. “This little shirt, I can see right through it,” Alex spoke softly, running one hand across Jack's chest. “And a poorly tied knot, that just won't do,” he pulled it undone, letting it fall open. With one hand he lightly pinched Jack's nipple, and in response he groaned, wiggling his hips in Alex's lap. “Control yourself, Jacky,” Alex giggled, kissing his neck softly.

“And then we have this little tiny skirt, it's like you're just begging to be fucked. Aren't you, Jack? Are you just dying for someone to bend you over and take you, however they want to?” Alex hooked his fingers in the waist band of the skirt, giving it a little tug when Jack didn't answer.


“It's a rhetorical question, Jack. Of course you are. Of course you want so badly for anyone to come along, and see you just like this. And by anyone, I'm sure we both know that I mean me. Only I can ever get you like this, Jack. We both know that. No one else has quite the same,” Alex squeezed his nipple again, and Jack let out a little gasp, “effect on you, so to speak. Although, I would be lying to say that I didn't like it.

"In fact, I love it, really. I love the way you're so eager to spread your legs for me. It's quite an honor, that I get you so wound up, even after all this time. It's been me you think of, when you're by yourself, imaging someone giving it to you just the way you like. Because no one else will ever know just the way you like it, Jacky,” Alex kissed his neck again, biting down along the side and give a quick, harsh suck, sure to leave a bruise.

“And what's underneath, hmmm?” Alex's lips were moving against his skin, and again Jack was trying to grind against him, but didn't succeed. Alex chuckled. “Oh my, have we gone out shopping?” His fingers were once again on the white lace, first the stockings, then up to the panties, and back down, rubbing that line over and over again. “These can't be those same ones from so long ago, are they?”

Jack groaned and nodded his head, moaning quietly. “Yes, yes they are.”

“Such a nice fit, still. Aw, did you bring them along just for me? Just on the off chance that I might decide to give in and finally take what I've wanted once more?” Alex smiled against him. “Either way, I like it. But we will have to get you some more little outfits, Jack. I mean, the slutty schoolgirl routine will only last so long. And, I must admit,” he bit down again, leaving another purple bruise where it was sure to be spotted. “I rather like the idea of seeing you in all sorts of dress. I'm sure you'll like it too, we can get you a cheer leader outfit. Maybe a naughty nurse? Skanky pirate?  Do you remember my basement, Jack?”

“Y-yeah, how could I forget,” Jack replied, voice weak.

“I have lots of closet space and the money to fill it,” Alex laughed, and then he finally wrapped his hand around Jack's cock, panties still in between. He rubbed him up and down, and Jack moved his hips in circles, trying to get more friction than just the light grasp that Alex had on him. “Oh Jack, this will be so much fun. I'll get you all dressed up, and then,” in almost an instant, Jack was now suddenly laying on the bed, his legs splayed out. Alex had stopped touching him and wrapped his strong hands around Jack's hips, easily moving him, giving Alex a chance to stand up. He fully removed his sweatpants and reached into his own bag, pulling out a condom.

Jack turned his head and watched him roll it up his dick, eagerly awaiting whatever was going to come next. If he could abstain from coming next himself. Alex's voice, the way he spoke to him, it was so demeaning and invigorating all at once. It made him feel dirty, but a good kind of dirty, like only Alex could get him clean. Jack liked that, the way that Alex spoke to him like he owned him. Because, in all fairness, he pretty much did. Even in their time apart, Jack had remained under his thumb.

Alex grabbed a bottle of lube and dropped it beside of Jack, then stepped to the foot of the bed, placing himself between Jack's legs.

“Roll over,” he ordered, and Jack complied.

“What were you going to say?” Jack asked, bracing his fingers into the duvet cover.

“And then I'll fuck you like the whore we know you are,” Alex said, pulling the lacey panties down Jack's legs and sliding one lube coated finger up inside of him.

“Oh, god,” Jack groaned, tightening his grip. He hadn't taken it like this in a very long time. It was easier for him to bang chicks, much harder to pick up dudes unnoticed, so he seldom bothered. Usually the only guy on guy action he got came during tours, when some dude from another band would agree to keep quiet about a late night rendezvous. But that had only happened twice, and both guys were no where near the level that Alex was on when it came to fucking.

Alex added another finger in response, carefully sliding them in and out, waiting until he could feel Jack starting to grind back on his hand and move his body in rhythm. “Tell me what you're thinking,” Alex said, keeping his pace slow and steady.

“I'm thinking a-a-about how good it's going to feel when you fuck me, and I'm thinking about how good it's going to feel tomorrow, when I'm all sore, because of you,” Jack moaned, and he was grateful that he didn't have to look into his eyes at this very moment. Alex had a filthy mouth, but for Jack, it didn't come as easy.

“Yeah,” Alex groaned, and Jack knew by the way he spoke that he was biting his lip. “I'm gonna fuck your little pussy so good, baby girl,” Alex said, teasing Jack with a third finger before sliding it in. “You're such a pretty girl, Jack,” he told him.

Alex continued to fuck the younger man with his hand, admiring the view he had. Jack's pale skin and thin body on full display, save for the skirt he was still wearing, that was now just pushed up in an obscene fashion, and his stockings were still clinging to his legs. His shirt was still on, untied, but it didn't matter considering the way he was laying. Alex had dropped the panties onto the floor beside the bed.

“And such a good girl, too,” he added as an afterthought, his tone was affectionate. Alex removed his hand, making Jack whimper.

“Get up on your elbows, that's it, put your ass up,” he ordered. The other man was quick to comply, getting himself into position, whimpering at the loss of Alex's fingers.

He slapped Jack's ass lightly, then gave him a strong squeeze, which drew out another loud moan. Alex got up onto the bed, on his knees, and poured some lube into his hand, quickly pumping it up and down his cock. “You ready?” He asked.

“Please, Lex, please,” was all that Jack could say, making Alex chuckle once more. He reveled in the feeling of Jack's sudden powerlessness, and more than that, how willing he was to submit himself to Alex. He realized then that they just worked together, it was just right.

Alex thrust into him with little warning, wrapping his hands again around Jack's hips and squeezing. Jack knew that there would probably be bruises there tomorrow, too, but he didn't mind in the slightest.

“Fuck!” He yelled out. Alex fucked him hard. He didn't waste time being gentle and trying to set a pace, he just took what he wanted and was relentless in doing so.

Alex, for his part, was now quiet, except for his heavy breathing and the quiet moans that would slip out from between his lips. Jack could hear the slapping sound of skin against skin as Alex pounded into him, and finally when he hit that spot, Jack swore he saw stars behind his eyes. White hot, like a live wire, as everything swallowed him whole. The skirt sliding against him whenever Alex thrust in, the way his hands gripped impossibly tighter on his hips, that good old burn he was so eager to be reunited with, Jack's back arching as he pushed himself backwards trying in vain to get more. That's all he wanted. More. He was insatiable.

“Yeah, yeah,” Alex grunted as he continued to fuck him. “You're so-fuck, you're so tight. It really is like fucking a g-girl,” he moaned, his hips beginning to stutter.

Jack wasn't sure at this point how long they'd been going at it, he was dying to finally have his release. It could've been hours, or maybe only ten minutes, but after all the foreplay, his body was finally starting to give in. He knew that Alex was feeling the same.
“Jack, I'm gonna. I'm gonna cum. C'mon, Jack, you too,” Alex's hand was suddenly tight around his dick, still slick from the lube. “Jack, baby, cum for me. Like you've wanted to do for s-s-so long. Show me how bad you want me,” and that was all Jack needed to hear to be pushed over the edge. All his muscles clenched and released at once, and he exploded onto his own stomach and all over the sheets.

Alex emitted a long, drawn out moan, his pace suddenly broken as he stuttered and finally came to a stop, still inside of the younger man. He groaned, carefully pulling himself out and removing the condom, throwing it into the trash. Alex reached for the box of tissues, haphazardly wiping off the comforter and Jack's stomach, then he threw that away too.

“That was amazing,” Alex said, grinning as he pulled the black haired man up against him.

Jack was still panting, his heart continued to pound in his chest. “Yeah,” he agreed, but he was nervous. Now that it was over, would that be it? Despite their earlier conversation, Jack had been genuine. He could only hope that Alex had been equally as sincere.

“Something wrong?” The older man looked at him, eyes reading concern.

“Is this. Are we. You were being serious, earlier, weren't you?” Jack asked, raising his hand to rub at his lip, an old nervous habit he could never break.

“I hope so,” Alex said, bringing their lips together for a kiss. “If you want,” he added.

“Yes, yes, I want,” Jack nodded happily, a smile finally breaking onto his face.

Alex kissed him again, unlike earlier, it was a slow, gentle kiss. His hand cupped Jack's jaw, curling at the lobe of his ear, just ghosting his hairline. After a few minutes, Jack pulled away, quickly gesturing to himself. Alex understood what he was saying, despite the lack of words.

Jack stepped into the bathroom, shedding himself of the outfit and replacing it in the bag, once again adorning his boxers and shirt. He walked into the bedroom, hastily picking the white lace panties up off the ground and throwing them in too, then he dropped the bag into his duffel. When he turned around, Alex was already laying on his bed.

“I was serious, you know,” Alex repeated himself.

Jack just laughed and nodded in agreement, “I know, you already said. We'll try this whole thing out again.”

“Oh yeah, I was serious about this. But also about the closet thing. You and I are in for some good times when we get home, Jack,” Alex grinned, kissing his neck softly one last time.

slash, fetish, top!alex, content!cross dressing, bottom!jack, pairing!jalex, content!humiliation, rating:nc-17

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