In the interest of people who actually want something that's readable and makes sense. I present to you the last post I made, distilled down into the important parts. New and improved. 99% less ramble and babble
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That's why I didn't delete it. I'm sure there's other worthwhile things in it.
But the above points are the ones that really poke at me on a semi-regular basis. These are the points that I want all of my friends to realize.
There's really so much more I could write about all this. But it would be highly inappropriate for widely public forum.
And, really, I have too much respect for myself and other people to do anything that could be construed as passive-aggressive needeling, mud-slinging or anything else that negative and, ultimately, useless. Heck, the post above and the one before it wouldn't have normally made it out of my head if they hadn't been banging up against my skull so loudly I couldn't get any work done.
Without Honesty and Integrity, there's not much else to have.
Plus, I know too well the pain of wondering... and the way "ignored" annoyance can build into something much more nasty by the time they explodes.
Better to nip it in the bud before it grows into something that will lead to more destruction than it's worth. Of course, as with so many other things, that's always easier said than done. (Because the pain that is now, always seems greater than the pain that may be later.)
And yet we always forget, in the suffering of the moment, that unless we act it will only get worse.
Pain is the Universe's way of telling us something is wrong. Of drawing our attention to that thing and of giving us incentive to do something about it.
What we do... that is our choice. And while the pain may momentarily increase once action is taken, it is over quickly.
And then... then everything can begin to heal. And learn. And grow.
Based on this list, you and I have a similar outlook on things in general. Except my list would also have "holds grudges" at the bottom. I'm good at forgiving, but suck at forgetting.
But that's a whole 'nother issue that I will eventually have to work through...
I think that hunks of that list would apply well to most people.
At least I hope most people like to know when they're causing more problems than they're solving. Or would be willing to welcome back someone who has asked them to leave in the past.
Comments 16
That's why I didn't delete it. I'm sure there's other worthwhile things in it.
But the above points are the ones that really poke at me on a semi-regular basis. These are the points that I want all of my friends to realize.
There's really so much more I could write about all this. But it would be highly inappropriate for widely public forum.
And, really, I have too much respect for myself and other people to do anything that could be construed as passive-aggressive needeling, mud-slinging or anything else that negative and, ultimately, useless. Heck, the post above and the one before it wouldn't have normally made it out of my head if they hadn't been banging up against my skull so loudly I couldn't get any work done.
I think I may just need to sleep more... :)
Plus, I know too well the pain of wondering... and the way "ignored" annoyance can build into something much more nasty by the time they explodes.
Better to nip it in the bud before it grows into something that will lead to more destruction than it's worth. Of course, as with so many other things, that's always easier said than done. (Because the pain that is now, always seems greater than the pain that may be later.)
I know a lot about that.
And yet we always forget, in the suffering of the moment, that unless we act it will only get worse.
Pain is the Universe's way of telling us something is wrong. Of drawing our attention to that thing and of giving us incentive to do something about it.
What we do... that is our choice. And while the pain may momentarily increase once action is taken, it is over quickly.
And then... then everything can begin to heal. And learn. And grow.
Except against my parents.
But that's a whole 'nother issue that I will eventually have to work through...
I think that hunks of that list would apply well to most people.
At least I hope most people like to know when they're causing more problems than they're solving. Or would be willing to welcome back someone who has asked them to leave in the past.
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