Hey you people faithful readers!
I have finished the sequel to "
Jim Kirk, coitus interrupter"! I just got it back from my awesome beta
infiniterider (*hugs*), and there you go!
Behold the glory that is
(For impatient people: Part 1 is
Summary: So, Jim finally managed to bag his Vulcan, and it’s great. Still, this relationship business isn’t easy; first they have to learn how to make it work.
Rated Explicit/NC-17 for swearing and serious slash.
And since the damn thing is so long, have a chapter post first, just so you know which way this will go. Also, story notes are in this post, because I don't want to repeat myself... ;-)
Jim Kirk, relationship genius - chapters and notes
Part 1
Just sex
Dating a Vulcan
Dating a Human
Part 2
Sexual compatibility
Moving in together
Part 3
Sexual compatibility 2 - Kinks
Spock: paying attention
Kirk: There seems to be a pattern...
Spock:Pon Farr - a time of many claimings
Kirk: Sex toys are... great?
Part 4
Jealousy and possessivness
Kirk: teacher/student relationship WTF?
Spock: overreaction
Kirk: shake shake shake, shake your booty...
Spock: diplomacy
Part 5
Meeting the family
Sam and Winona Kirk
Part 6
Tying the knot
This is a sequel to “Jim Kirk, coitus interrupter” and the second part of the series “How to bag and keep a Vulcan”. It all started with a prompt on the st_xi_kink_meme… those were the days. This is the longest fic I’ve written so far, and working on this was great fun. Also, warning: this is pretty different from “coitus interrupter”, most noticeably because this one here has no real plot. It’s more like snippets and scenes from their relationship eg. its progress. So, don’t be surprised.
Betaed by the lovely
infiniterider , all remaining mistakes are mine, especially since English is not my native tongue.
Disclaimer: Star Trek and all its characters belong to various very important people. I’m just borrowing them for my own entertainment, I’ll give them back afterwards, I promise. All OCs are mine, though.
Dedicated to Michelle and Rosie, who are entirely awesome! Go read all their fics at
doubleobsession.net, because they rock this world!
Thanks to: Michelle and Rosie (again - Ca-li-for-nia girls, they’re unforgettable…), also to everyone who commented on the first part of this series (at the kink_meme, at AO3, at the kirkspock community…) and demanded a sequel. Here you go!