Maedhros: Hey Ame, I think we should execute
our plan *nod*
Ameniel: Ooooh. Yes. I agree.
Maedhros: :D
Ameniel: I -do- have rope...
Maedhros: Excellent... *grin*
Ameniel: *quick kiss* Do we have a strumpet?
Maedhros: We -should-...unless he disappeared again.
Ameniel: Don't even think that! ;-;
Maedhros: Well, it would mean -extra- punishment
Ameniel: True, but.... ;-; *wants Fingon -now-*
Ameniel: *peeks around for Fingon*
Maedhros: *does too*
Fingon: *around*
Ameniel: *pounces!*
Fingon: *pounced* HI
Ameniel: Hiii~ *clinghug*
Fingon: *G*
Maedhros: *admire*
Ameniel: Where have you been?
Fingon: here
Fingon: Finishing brothel stuff
Ameniel: You were supposed to come help my strike.
Fingon: We should take it public, to the fountains maybe
Ameniel: We coooould.... but I have other plans.
Maedhros: *smirk*
Fingon: Oh?
Ameniel: *nods* Kitten helped.
Maedhros: *grins*
Fingon: interessting
Maedhros: You could say that
Ameniel: Oh, I would say that for sure
Ameniel: Hey, strumpet, guess what?
Fingon: What bunny?
Ameniel: I have rope~
Maedhros: >.>
Fingon: I see. And what shall we DO with that rope?
Maedhros: Well...the way we see it...*looks at Ame*
Ameniel: -We- will do nothing. -I-, however, am going to tie you to the bed.
Fingon: Oh my *grins*
Ameniel: Mmn. I do love a willing victim.
Maedhros: Mee too...
Fingon: *hops on bed*
Ameniel: *laughs and goes to tie him* So good, strumpet
Fingon: *tied happily*
Ameniel: *finishes and kisses his nose* Not too tight?
Fingon: *tries them*
Fingon: Perfect
Ameniel: *grins and looks to Maedhros*
Maedhros: *grins back*
Ameniel: Come play, kitten.
Maedhros: 'kay. *comes over and kneels on the bed*
Fingon: *mewling sound*
Maedhros: *nuzzles Ame*
Ameniel: *blows Fingon a little kiss* You're so cute, there. I should just keep you like that all the time. *smirks and kisses Maedhros*
Maedhros: *kisses back* I agree.
Fingon: Awwww
Ameniel: *fondle* He could be our pet strumpet.
Maedhros: *grope* He -could-...
Ameniel: We could teach him tricks. *caress* Like "beg".
Fingon: I can beg!
Maedhros: *low laugh* Or roll over.
Fingon: *tries. writhes in his bonds*
Ameniel: *giggles* Won't work.
Maedhros: *leans over Fingon* And "stay". *goes back to kissing Ame*
Fingon: Pleeease?
Ameniel: Maybe. *licks Maedhros*
Maedhros: *strokes*
Fingon: *grooan*
Maedhros: I think we ought to make him beg more, don't you?
Ameniel: *nips* Definitely.
Maedhros: *sly grin* *lick*
Ameniel: I'm really not convinced he wants it, yet. *smirks and tugs Maedhros closer*
Fingon: Guyyysss....
Maedhros: Me neither.
Ameniel: *innocently* Maybe he needs a preview of what he could have?
Maedhros: *nod* Good idea.
Fingon: NNGH
Maedhros: *grins at Ame, pulling her closer*
Ameniel: *grins back and "appreciates Maedhros' goods"*
Maedhros: *caressadore*
Fingon: e.e
Ameniel: *nuzzlegrope*
Maedhros: *pet*
Ameniel: *cuddlemolest*
Maedhros: *loveravish*
Ameniel: *return ravish!*
Fingon: *begs*
Ameniel: *blinks* ...did you hear something, kitten?
Fingon: Pleeease?
Maedhros: I'm not sure...*tease*
Ameniel: *giggles* I think he wants something. Should we help him?
Maedhros: We are nice, aren't we Ame?
Ameniel: Well. *looks him over* Yeah, I'd say so.
Maedhros: Hmmm...maybe just a little...*licks Fingon once*
Fingon: *writhe*
Ameniel: Oh, poor strumpet. *kisses him very very lightly*
Fingon: Pleeease?
Ameniel: *leans in to whisper in Fingon's ear* Please.... what?
Fingon: Annything
Maedhros: Anything? I think he wants to watch some more Ame
Ameniel: I think so. *gently caresses Fingon* We can do that for him.
Maedhros: Mmhmm.
Ameniel: *turns to kiss Maedhros*
Maedhros: *KISS*
Fingon: nooo TO me
Ameniel: *laughs* Aww, angel fluff. *gives in and kisses Fingon*
Fingon: *G*
Maedhros: *caresses them both*
Ameniel: *purrs* I think it's time for the next part of the plan...
Maedhros: Yes, I think so
Ameniel: So... *kisses Maedhros* Do you want to play first or me?
Maedhros: Hmm... *nuzzles* 's up to you...
Ameniel: *leans against* We could let strumpet pick.
Maedhros: We -could-...
Ameniel: Hmmn.... what -do- you think, strumpet?
Maedhros: Yes, what do you think? *curious & sultry look*
Fingon: *thinking*
Fingon: both? *hopeful*
Ameniel: At the same time? *considers* We could probably make that work.
Maedhros: *thinks*
Ameniel: I think the real question is does he -deserve- it?
Maedhros: Hmm...he -has- been very bad...
Ameniel: He has... but look how tasty he looks lying there. *strokes Fingon and kisses him* I could eat you all up!
Maedhros: Also true...*pets*
Fingon: ngh pleease?
Maedhros: Please what?
Ameniel: ...I say we just shag him the way we want. I don't think he's earned a choice yet.
Maedhros: *nods* You're so right.
Ameniel: *grins* Ladies first?
Maedhros: *laughs* As you wish
Fingon: *can live with this*
Ameniel: *winks and has her merry little way with Fingon*
Fingon: *quite likes*
Maedhros: My turn? *winks*
Ameniel: Oh yes. *kisses* Have fun.
Maedhros: *kisses back* Oh I will.
Maedhros: *totally ravishes Fingon*
Fingon: *enjoys this too!*
Fingon: *would like them aware he'd ravish each back were it not for the tied part*
Fingon: *decides to take turns tying them up instead someday as a special treat*
Ameniel: *strokes Fingon's cheek* We should ask him now...
Maedhros: *nod*
Ameniel: Now listen carefully, strumpet, and think about this. A wrong answer means you will be tied up for a very long time.
Maedhros: *leaning over him* you still want to marry me?
Fingon: Very much...
Maedhros: *smile*
Ameniel: *grins and kisses both* Are you still on good terms with Varda, strumpet?
Fingon: Oh yes
Maedhros: *grins* Good...
Ameniel: ...We'll need a Valar's blessing to be properly married. *starts loosening Fingon's bonds*
Maedhros: And we thought an offering would be good...
Ameniel: Something Varda really likes, you know?
Maedhros: Like a song...
Ameniel: And we both know you can sing, at least a little.
Fingon: Yeeah praise to eat
Maedhros: *nods*
Ameniel: *finishes untying Fingon* It should probably be a really special one if we want her to grant us a favour.
Fingon: *nodding* I'll get to work on it. Maybe some sort of long piece
Ameniel: Love you. *kisses Fingon* And you. *kisses Maedhros, too*
Maedhros: Mmm. *kisses also* Love you too
Fingon: Love you both so much
Fingon: *snogs*
Maedhros: *loveadore*
Fingon: *adoreboth*
Ameniel: *joyfullove!*
Maedhros: *happy sigh*
Ameniel: *pulls both close for major snuggling*
Maedhros: *cuddle both*