fic: A Beautiful Mess, 6/22

Nov 22, 2010 00:58

Fic: A Beautiful Mess, 6/22
Summary: Luke is a pediatrician! He is officially Dr. Luke Snyder.
Spoilers: References to Luke's past from canon and that's about it.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Wish they were mine but they're not.
Note: This was inspired by this entry in lure_prompts by the brill _alicesprings. Feedback, concrit, etc. welcome! ♥

It's been two days since their date and no word from Luke since then. Reid quickly reviews the date in his head and decides that everything had gone as well as it could for a first date. It's been a long time since he's had a first date but his date with Luke had gone better than previous first dates.

As Reid considers this, he runs into Luke at the coffee machine and Luke smiles widely when he sees him. That's a good sign. "Hey, I was gonna stop by your office this afternoon. It's been crazy these past couple of days. Kids are getting sick left and right just before Thanksgiving."

"So, their parents think that you can magically heal them so that they can all stuff themselves with turkey or take that vacation that they had planned a year in advance?" Reid guesses, reaching for the pot of coffee and filling his mug.

"Yeah, exactly. When I recommend bed rest and a prescription or two, they seem surprised that I can't do more."

"I know how that goes," Reid's been a witness to more than one patient who think the cure to a brain tumor is their grandmother's chicken soup and a bedtime story. Reid only wishes that it were that simple.

Reid takes the pot and fills Luke's mug too.

"Thanks," Luke smiles at him, both of them briefly making eye contact before looking down at their mugs. "Actually, I have a minute. Can I stop by?"

Reid nods and they fix their coffee before Luke walks side-by-side with Reid back to his office.

Jaymie greets Luke when she sees him, "Dr. Snyder."

"Hi, Jaymie," he smiles at her and then follows Reid inside.

Luke's the one who closes the door behind him before he takes a seat in the chair across from Reid's desk. He slowly sips his coffee and then places the mug on Reid's desk before Reid takes his seat in his chair.

"Wanna help out with the Thanksgiving here at the hospital?" Luke asks.

"I think that you know my answer to that," Reid sips his coffee and closes a folder that's open on his desk.

"You helped during Halloween."

"You tricked me."

Luke laughs, "Right. I used my powers of persuasion to coerce you into doing something you absolutely didn't want to do."

Reid thinks that that is exactly what happened.

"Okay, you don't have to help at the dinner. Just come in with me this weekend and help me hang up decorations."

"How is that any better than helping with the dinner?"

"At the dinner, I'll make you do things. Helping with the decorations is more like ... cut me a piece of tape, please." Luke reaches for his mug again and takes another small sip. "I was ... I've also been ... I really do wanna move out of my mom's place. So, I'm thinking I need to get an apartment." Reid wonders where he's going with this. "I have an appointment to see one on Saturday and thought we could go get something to eat and then go check it out."

"And then here to decorate," Reid completes the unspoken thought that lingers at the end of Luke's sentence.

"Well, I thought that I could lure you with the food first and that'll lull you into a feeling of comfort and contentment and then you'll just do whatever it is I want you to do." Luke folds his hands in front of him, holding back a smile.

"Ah, so you had a master plan," Reid squints, bringing his fingers to his chin and stroking his skin in a fashion that reminiscent to old James Bond movies. The move makes Luke laugh and that's Reid's intent.

"Well, I want you to come help me. That's true. But, I also want to go out with you again. If you want," he quickly adds. "You don't have to --"

"Luke," Reid says his name to prevent him from back tracking more than he already has. "Count me in."

"Really?" he wonders in a way that seems so vulnerable, almost child-like.

Reid nods, "Yeah but you're paying for dinner."

Luke laughs and seems agreeable to that. "All right, it's a deal." Glancing at his watch, he takes in a deep breath, and sighs. "I have to get back. I have appointments all afternoon." Standing and taking his mug, Reid thinks he's just going to say goodbye and walk out the door. Instead, he walks around Reid's desk and bends down to press his lips to Reid's.

It's been two days since Reid's felt this and he wants to take advantage of it. His hand comes up, fingertips pressing against Luke's cheek, and holding him there for a moment. Luke's the one who pulls away first and straightens up.

"See you soon," Luke tells him and Reid's eyes follow him all the way to the door. He leaves the door open and he watches him until he turns, walking out of his sight.

Reid shakes his head to try to snap out of it.

He's still able to taste Luke when he licks his lips and he sighs to himself, wondering when exactly he became that guy who has those kind of thoughts. Running his fingers through his hair, he opens the folder in front of him to look through some paperwork. He will concentrate on this. Even when he has that thought, thoughts of Luke continue to flicker through his mind.


Luke's true to his word and stops by Reid's office regularly and even has lunch with him a couple of times.

Saturday comes sooner than expected. They both decide to get an early meal since Luke's appointment is in the late afternoon. Reid takes Luke to Al's and Luke runs into everyone he knows. Reid ignores them as several people briefly chat with Luke while he stuffs his face with the food he's ordered.

"You could be a little more polite," Luke tells him before he starts eating.

"If I sat here and entertained every one of those people like you did, I'd starve to death." Reid's just finishing up what's on his plate while Luke's just getting started. Now, Reid works on finishing his coleslaw.

"Yeah, you probably would," Luke concedes his point and takes a bite of his sandwich. "Do you have any friends?" he has to ask.

"Acquaintances that I can tolerate for longer than 20 minutes, yes. Mostly colleagues."

"You don't sit around and discuss the latest medical journal articles, do you?"

"From time to time, we do. Most of us have written those articles. I see no reason why we shouldn't ..."

"You guys sit around and basically pump up each other's egos or criticize each other about your own articles?"

"Something like that."

"Wow," Luke mouths and takes a sip of his soda. "You need to get out more."

"What do you call what we're doing here?"

"Being outside. You need some hobbies."

Reid contemplates telling him, pausing for a moment until he finally says it. "I play chess."

"You do? I play too! Are you any good?"

Reid shrugs, "I'm all right."

"We should play sometime. I think that there's actually a board in the doctor's lounge."

Reid doesn't bother to ask why there are games inside the doctor's lounge. He's sure there's some asinine reason behind it.

Luke talks while they finish lunch. Reid finds out that Luke plays basketball and he's pretty good at it. He would've joined some sports teams in high school but he was still too much of a mess to be joining any sports teams. Luke doesn't elaborate on the mess and Reid doesn't ask. Not yet anyway. By the time he's finished talking, they're both done with their food.

Reid is the one who picked up Luke from his mom's house so they drive together to the apartment. Luke directs him and it's not too far away from the center of town. It's in an industrial looking building and they both look up at it when they get out of the car.

"This it?" Reid wonders, sticking his hands in his pockets.

Luke nods and heads toward the front door. There's a code to get in and when they reach the door to the apartment, there's a lock box on it with another code that Luke types in.

They walk inside and looks can certainly be deceiving. The interior is pretty warm and inviting compared to the cold looking exterior.

Reid can easily see Luke making a home in this kind of place. It suits him.

"What do you think?" Luke asks as he walks through the kitchen, testing all the fixtures, and making sure that he has all the appliances he needs.

"It's great. Modern," Reid notices the stainless steel fridge, stove that has a gas range with five burners, and deep sink.

"Yeah, it is. I kinda love it in here," Luke nods as he walks straight into the living room. There's even a fireplace and a perfect spot for a high definition television right above it.

Reid runs his fingers through his hair, remembering that it's Luke's space, and he can decorate it any way that he wants. But, watching a baseball game in widescreen above that fireplace would be pretty amazing.

Luke walks into the next room and finds the empty room that's supposed to be the bedroom.

"My bed would fit perfectly in here," Luke walks in and Reid follows. He walks toward the window, observing the view down to the street. They're a flight up so there's a little bit of a view here.

They hear the door open and a woman calls out for Luke.

"We're in here!" he shouts to her, walking toward the bedroom door so she can see him. "Hi, Lisa. Reid, this is my real estate agent. Lisa Lavell, this is Dr. Reid Oliver. Lisa's come to bring the application."

Reid walks toward the two and shakes her hand.

"Nice to meet you. So, what do you two think of the space?"

"Oh, I'm ---"

"We love it," Luke interrupts, looking over at him.

"It's a perfect one-bedroom for a couple and right in town close to all the shops and restaurants," she lists, leading them back toward the kitchen.

Reid raises both eyebrows at Luke and Luke smiles back at him, arms crossing over his body smugly. Luke wants to have a little fun and Reid almost wants to let him. He'll have to see how this goes.

"We really like it," Luke speaks when they reach the kitchen.

"You both will be really happy here. It's available at the beginning of next month and you both just need to fill out this application," she hands them two applications. "Just a quick credit check and you'll need a deposit and that's about it."

"Great, we'll drop these off when it's all filled out," he tells her and she smiles back at the both of them.

"Fantastic. I'm sure everything will check out and soon, you'll be all settled in. Well, I need to be going but just shut the door behind you and the lock should click into place, please. Two doctors in a relationship," she mentions as she starts to walk out the door. "I'm sure you guys will have no problem with the application. I'll see you both soon. It was nice to have met you," she tells Reid before closing the door behind her.

Reid's eyes follow her until the door shuts and then he shakes his head as he looks down at the application. "How disappointed she'll be when she finds out there's only one doctor moving in."

Luke nods and shrugs his shoulders. "She'll get over it. It's ..." He chuckles and carefully folds the application.

"It's what?" Reid wonders as he takes a step toward him. Luke looks at him, a small smile on his face before he ducks his head, not wanting to meet Reid's gaze. "It's what, Luke?"

"It's not like ... she'll never see you over here," he lifts his head to look at Reid and Reid sees a little fear in his eyes, questioning him, silently asking him if he's right.

"Right," Reid finds himself smiling widely before he curbs it into a smirk. "Yeah, you're right. She'll see me." That's what Luke wants to hear. He gives him a smile and Reid can't resist leaning in and kissing him right there in the empty living room, next to the kitchen.

They stand there kissing, arms locked around each other, and Luke's the one who pulls free to remind him that they have to head to the hospital. Before he pulls away, Reid moves his fingers through Luke's hair, and Luke gives him one more kiss before they part.

Reid takes one more look around the apartment and he really does think that he likes this place.


The hospital doesn't shut down on the weekends. But neither one of them are scheduled to work and it's later than Luke anticipates. It's dark by the time they arrive.

Ever since the apartment visit, they can't stop touching each other. In the car, Luke finds a way to touch Reid's shoulder, his arm, and his hand. Reid finds himself doing the same thing once they're in the hospital. They walk close together on the way to Luke's office to get the supplies, occasionally nudging shoulders when they walk.

The lights in the hallway are dimmed but the lights are still on in individual rooms and the nurse's stations. Luke greets every nurse by name when they pass and Reid can only walk by, briefly acknowledging that he recognizes some faces but not all.

Luke unlocks the door to his office and grabs the decorations that he plans on putting up. He'll be decorating the main entryway that leads to the cafeteria. Everyone who's volunteered has been assigned specific spaces in the hospital to decorate as they see fit. Some doctors have taken this to mean that they're absolutely allowed to decorate as if their five-year-old vomited cliche party favors all over the walls.

"You should've had regulations or restrictions on that," Reid tells him as he helps to unwrap the large 'Happy Thanksgiving' banner that Luke's purchased.

"Maybe but where's the fun in that? Just because we're all medical professionals means that we can't have child-like tendencies?"

"I don't," Reid passes him the unwrapped banner.

"All right, well, consider yourself excluded and because you're not participating, you don't get an opinion." Luke takes the small ladder he's borrowed from the janitor's closet, adjusting it, and putting it in place.

"Uh, what do you think I'm doing right now?"

"You're right, you're not doing anything. That'll change in a second." Luke takes the roll of tape and hands it to Reid. "Hold on to this and can you put your foot on the ladder while I'm up there? It doesn't feel steady."

Reid sighs as if this is the most arduous task anyone's asked him to do but he follows.

Luke takes the first part of the banner since it's in sections and begins to climb the ladder. The ladder immediately wobbles a little under Luke's weight but it seems to be steady enough.

The first part of the banner goes up and Luke turns a little to look at him. "How's that look?"

Luke's ass has been in his view for the past few minutes and as if that isn't enough of a distraction, Luke's shirt has been lifting a little every time he's reached forward to tape the banner to the wall, and it gives him a perfect view of a small patch of skin on his side and lower back.

"I'd say that the view's pretty great from down here," Reid gives him a predatory grin and Luke chuckles. Reid swears that he's able to see a flush of red begin to form on Luke's neck. It's hard to tell underneath the dim lights.

"I meant the banner," Luke motions toward it and Reid nods.

"Looks fine."

"Great, on to the next."

Luke steps down from the ladder and moves it over into the next position. Again, Reid is behind him to make sure that the ladder is steady and to hand him pieces of tape when he asks for it.

One second, Luke's steady on the step, and the next, the ladder wobbles underneath him and he loses his balance. Reid drops the tape, quickly placing his hands on Luke's waist to help steady him. It's too late for that and Luke quickly spins as Reid catches him, holding on to him tightly before he falls flat on his face.

Luke's hands are on Reid's shoulders to regain his balance.

They both look at each other, bodies close together, and breathing heavily. Their hearts are racing from the minor scare and Reid speaks first, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Luke chuckles. "That was clumsy."

Reid says nothing, continuing to look at Luke. Their bodies are pressed close together and whether it's a conscious move or not, Luke licks his lips. Reid eyes are looking into Luke's before Luke's gaze flickers back to Reid's lips.

They move toward one another at the same time.

They kiss and it's rushed and frenzied. Their hands are in each other's hair and then shoulders, necks, and backs. They're pulling each other closer, unable to get enough. They're kissing as if their lives depend on it, only briefly parting to take in quick breaths before kissing again.

Reid pushes Luke back against a wall and Luke moans once he hits it. Luke's arms circle around Reid's neck, holding him close while Reid's hands are against Luke's waist. Reid's hands begin to move underneath Luke's shirt, now able to touch the bare skin he'd admired earlier.

Then the lights turn on, blinding, and surprising them both.

They both pull apart and look at the person standing next to the light switch.

"Hello, boys," Chris greets them, a large smile on his face.

"Doogie," Reid says in return, still panting, and crossing his arms in front of his body.

Luke straightens up as much as he can, pulling down his shirt, and sighing, "Everything okay?"

"I had rounds tonight and heard something suspicious over here. Thought that some of the older kids had wandered off for a little private time," Chris crosses his arms over his chest and smiles at the both of them, looking way too pleased with himself.

"And now you know that there aren't any renegade patients so why don't you leave and mind your own business?"

Chris holds his hands up in surrender and begins to slowly back out of the room. "Want me to turn the lights back off?"

Reid just glares at him and Chris chuckles when he turns around to leave.

Luke tilts his head back against the wall and sighs again. Reid turns around to face him and they look at each other, smiles slowly forming.

"Guess the cat's outta the bag," Luke stands up straight and runs his fingers through his hair.

"I think it was just yanked out."

Luke laughs and pushes himself off the wall. "Do you mind that people know?"

"We're not a secret, Luke."

"No, I know. But, now that people will hear about us, you might hear some things about me," Luke shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders, and it seems like he doesn't want to finish that train of thought.

"Well, then why don't you just tell me?"

"Do you wanna know?"

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't."

Luke looks back at the banner, the other piece on the floor, along with a few other items that have dropped. "All right, not here though. Let's clean this up first."


They clean the area, returning all the items to Luke's office, and Reid drives them straight to his apartment. They've both been silent and Luke doesn't vocalize any objections to where they go.

Reid leads the way to the front door and turns on the lights.

Luke looks around the living room, able to eye the small dining room that leads straight into the kitchen. Reid doesn't need a big place. The only thing he does here is eat and sleep.

"Want some water or soda or something?" Reid offers.

"Water, thanks."

Reid leaves him to go to the fridge, grabbing two bottles of water, and walks back to Luke to hand him his.

"Thanks," he opens it and takes a long sip. Removing his coat, he holds on to it as he walks to the couch, and takes a seat.

Reid follows, taking a seat next to him. Reid's noticed that Luke has held back with him. He can talk for hours about his Grandmother's business, his dad's stable, his mom's company but he really hasn't heard much about Luke beyond his hobbies and interests. Reid knows that Luke is determined and headstrong and can look at anyone with a puppy dog expression and those people will melt. But, beyond all of that, he doesn't know much else. They haven't really known each other for that long but since he's known him, Luke's been holding back the bits he wants to keep unknown.

"After this, if you don't want to see me anymore, I completely understand. I just don't want you to hear about these things from anyone else. I'd rather you hear them from me."

"Okay," Reid nods, all of this incredibly melodramatic and he's sure that anything Luke says will be an exaggeration of events.

"I'm an alcoholic and that's partly why I had the kidney transplant. I started drinking during a time where my parents were completely unstable and separately dating other people and all the back and forth was driving me crazy. The drinking helped numb everything but I ended up getting an infection and had to get a kidney transplant. My mom was dating a guy that found me a kidney but said in exchange my mom had to marry him. I got the kidney," he pauses then, losing himself in the memories. Reid notices his eyes stare off, unsure whether or not to continue.

"You don't have to do this, Luke. You don't have to tell me everything in one shot."

"I kinda do. I, I haven't been involved with anyone in a while. I don't ... I don't know why you want to be with me at all. If you knew these things, maybe you'd have an informed opinion, and you can decide then."

"Luke," Reid turns his body toward Luke's and makes sure to look him in the eyes. "I don't care if your cousin's half-brother's son's nanny once robbed a liquor store and used the money to go on a shopping spree in Paris." Luke chuckles quietly and moves so that his elbows are on his knees, folding his hands together. "It doesn't change how I feel about you."

"Really? But you don't know --"

"Whatever I don't know, I'll learn as we go along. Some really unbelievably crappy things have happened to you but I don't want you to feel like you have to tell me those things now so that I can decide whether or not I like you. I already know that I like you."

Luke sits up straight then and brings his hand up, moving his fingers through Reid's hair. "Thank you," he whispers.

Reid gives him a small smile, leaning into Luke's touch.

They look at one another and Luke closes the distance between them, pressing his lips gently to Reid's. His fingers slide down the side of Reid's face, resting against his jaw. It starts with the gentle press of lips but they're soon both seeking more.

Their kisses become heated, starting right where they left off before they had been interrupted.

Reid helps to pull him up and leads him into his bedroom.

Luke starts to unbutton Reid's shirt, taking it off quickly, and pushing it off his shoulders. Reid reaches down and pulls Luke's shirt up over his head. They continue to kiss, Reid moving Luke back toward the bed, tumbling down on top of it once they reach it.

Luke moves to the center of the bed and Reid follows, moving on top of him.

Luke works to remove Reid's pants, fingers trembling as he helps to remove his belt, and then pushing down his pants and underwear as far as he can.

Reid pulls back to take off his clothes and removes Luke's pants, pulling them down to his ankles, and taking them off the rest of the way. Before he does anything else, he pauses, able to see and admire Luke's body. The only light in the room comes from the window and thankfully highlights all the right parts of him.

He starts at Luke's thigh and kisses his way up Luke's body. Luke's moaning and sighing until Reid reaches his lips. They share a hard kiss, Luke's fingers pulling the short strands of Reid's hair, and Reid's hand reaching down to stroke Luke's hard cock.

Reid moves and kisses his way back down, briefly stopping to lick and bite Luke's nipples, kiss his stomach, and reaches Luke's cock. He licks the head of his cock, circling once around it before taking it into his mouth. This is something that he's thought about doing again for a long time. Well, since the first time. Luke's cock is full and thick, heavy on his tongue. But, he loves the way it feels and the way that it tastes.

His hand wraps around the base of Luke's cock, stroking the areas that he can't reach with his mouth as he takes him down inch by inch. Relaxing his throat, he manages to swallow around him for a moment before pulling up for a breath. His lips are tight around him, bobbing his head up and down.

Luke's a goner. He's moaning loudly, his fingers tight in Reid's hair, grabbing on to as much of it as he can. Soon, he begins to thrust his hips forward, his cock sliding in and out of Reid's mouth.

"Reid!" Luke cries out, his other hand grabbing the sheets, twisting them in his hand. Without a warning, he begins to come, shooting into Reid's mouth, and Reid takes down every drop.

Once Luke's calmed down, Reid moves on top of him again, and presses his lips to Luke's, sharing his taste with him. Luke sucks on Reid's tongue, still eager, still turned on.

"I want you, Reid. I've been wanting this," Luke tells him, both of them pulling away to look at the other. Luke leans up and kisses him.

"Me too," Reid says and kisses him again.

"Just ... take it easy. It's been a little while."

Reid's cock practically twitches when he hears that. He leans in to give him a reassuring kiss and reaches into the drawer of his nightstand. He takes out a condom and lube.

He coats two fingers with lube and asks Luke to spread his legs. Then, his fingers find Luke's hole, slowly circling before easing one in slowly.

Reid keeps his eyes on Luke, gauging his reaction and the reaction of his body to the intrusion. Luke tenses up at first but as Reid works a finger inside, he begins to loosen up. When he leans down to kiss him, he adds a second finger, and Luke moans against his lips.

He's working his fingers in and out of him, preparing him for his cock.

Luke cries out when Reid's fingers hit that spot inside of him. He gasps for air and reaches for Reid again. "Please, I want you."

Reid's fingers pull out and he opens the condom wrapper.

"Let me," Luke tells him, reaching for the condom. He pushes Reid back on his ankles, sitting up, and Luke moves forward on his knees. Taking the condom in his mouth, he suctions it between his lips, and lowers his head. Reid watches as Luke rolls the condom down on his cock with his mouth, swallowing him down deeply on that first pass, and rolling down the rest with his tongue.

When he pulls off, he makes sure that it's secure, and on properly. Reid can only stare, open mouthed at what he's just witnessed. Luke chuckles when he sees his expression. He kisses him before he moves on his back once again.

"That was hot," Reid tells him, using a little more lube on his cock, and moving on top of Luke. "You have such a talented mouth," he smirks and leans down for another kiss as he positions his cock against Luke's hole.

He pushes in before Luke has a chance to respond.

They both moan at the intrusion, Reid's cock feeling the pressure of Luke around him. He eases himself in, careful with him, and moving slowly. But, Luke's body seems to adjust to him well and begins to take him in even deeper.

Luke's arms and legs wrap around Reid, holding him close as he moves. His heels press against Reid's ass, moving him in even deeper than before.

They move together, Reid moving faster and harder, and Luke grabbing on to his hair and back, moaning for more. Reid can feel that his cock is rock hard once again on his stomach. Luke leans forward, licking, biting, and sucking on Reid's neck when he's close to him. Reid pulls away to look at him and then kiss him again before he really starts to give it to him.

With the force of his thrusts, his headboard hits the wall several times, the mattress moving forward as they shift back and forth on it.

Luke cries out, gasping for breath, and Reid's grateful for that reaction, unsure of how long he'll last at this pace. Luke is so beautiful when he's in the throes of passion, extremely hot as his body takes him in over and over again. Reid's hips snap, thrusting deeper inside of Luke, and that's the end of it for him.

Luke's hole closes in tightly around Reid's cock, moaning as he comes on Reid's stomach and his own. Reid stops thrusting when he begins to come, filling the condom that's deep inside of Luke.

When it's over, he collapses on top of him, still experiencing the feeling of pleasure moving straight through him. But, he lifts his head to watch Luke whose eyes are still closed. Luke licks his lips and slowly opens his eyes to look at Reid. They both smile at each other before they share a kiss.

"That was pretty amazing, Dr. Oliver," Luke smiles against his lips.

"You're not so bad yourself, Dr. Snyder."

Reid thinks that saying "yes" to helping Luke with the hospital Thanksgiving decorations is one of the best decisions he's ever made.


my fic

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