Faithful readers will recall my
plumbing disasters back in November 2007. They're baaaaack.
Leit has been home most of the week with a sore throat and other debilitating symptoms. This turned out to be fortuitous when the maintenance crew came knocking on Wednesday. They said the folks downstairs were reporting drips from our apartment. Everything got pulled out of the cupboard below the sink and they opened up some of the wall to fuss with the pipes, but no dice. When quizzed, Leit told me that they had indeed promised to come back and cloes the hole in the wall to prevent the ingress of rodents.
This morning, Leit texted me at work that they are back again. I called and mentioned that last time the real problems came from the pipe behind the stove. Apparently they have now wrestled the stove out into the middle of the front room and opened that wall as well, but the pipe appears intact.
Instead, they seem to have discovered a crack in the wall of the shower, which backs up to the kitchen from the other side. They noticed this once the wall was open because they could see daylight coming into the bathroom from the front room. I should point out that this is the shower wall that was ripped out last November to work on the pipes, and then put back with such dubious skill that the tiles look like they need orthodontia. Seriously, drunken kindergarteners do better work. I am not at all surprised to learn that this bungled repair would result in water from my shower trickling through the wall and down into the apartment below. I'd imagine that they would want to take down the tile again, patch the wall properly and then maybe we'd have a shot at a rectilinear tile job. But that's what I would do. Their solution? Caulk.
At least this means we may have use of the bathroom and kitchen over the three-day weekend. And I'm tremendously grateful that Leit was at home to handle this. What with all the wedding planning, I have not got a single day off to burn this calendar year. Of course, they still have to come back and replaster the kitchen wall. If the caulk works, that is.