Peanut for President part 1

Feb 22, 2008 22:22

... or how I spent my Winter Vacation

WARNING: Going behind the cut will load about 24 photos.

In the last two weeks between the two of us we've done about 42 hours of traveling, lots of walking, and lots and lots of shopping! And we've had a ton of fun doing it. To tell our story we've come up with this pictorial ...

I hope this doesn't make any flist lists too long but I'll cut at least the photos.

Peanut arrived in the states back on Feb 7th and she spent the fists few days down in DC with Doug. The plan was to meet her at JFK on the 11th, come back to PA for a class I had, then drive back to NYC to walk around. Well the weather didn't want to co-operate (or it did, depending on which one of us you ask ;). The final decision was to meet in NYC on Monday and stay instead of driving back to PA. They were calling for snow and freezing rain Tuesday morning so staying over the night before seemed like the right choice. It did give us some extra time to take in the sights.


Peanut and I planned to meet at our hotel, which was just a block from Times Square. It was an okay place to stay. We couldn't have done better on the location for the price we paid; however, their heating system kind of sucked. The second night the heating actually turned off for a while but when it came back on it seemed to work a lot better than the night before. We used extra blankets to get through the coldness.

Arriving in NYC

That first day we got eating at the Hard Rock Cafe out of the way and we spent some time at Toys R Us on Times Square. We'll have pictures of those later. We also stopped at one of the Yankee Clubhouses (Shops).

Yankee Clubhouse

We ended the night at Rockefeller Center where we stopped for coffee.

Ice Rink


Back at the hotel


We got up kind of early. The plan was to head out to Liberty and Ellis Island. Probably not a good idea in the snow but we braved it anyway.


No trip to NYC is complete anymore without a stop at the World Trade Center site. It seems like it draws you down there to see the progress that is being made and to pay respects to those who lost their lives. There are orange fences all over the place which made looking in to the site of the Freedom Tower hard to see but I was able to maneuver my camera to see part of the site. It looks like they are still working on the foundation. Keep in mind that the foundation of the Twin Towers was about 7 stories (if I remember correctly.)

WTC Site

We also stopped at the WTC Foundation, which currently houses some memorials by the survivors and a photo of every single victim of the WTC Collapse.

From there we walked down to the ferry.

Statue of Liberty

I don't have any pictures of Ellis Island. We were only able to go through the second floor. Holy crap that place is huge!! After we got back to the main land we high tailed it back to the hotel where we met up with Denise Too (a long time Folc who lives in the City.) We went to dinner then we went back to Toys R Us to take pictures since I didn't have my camera the night before.

Dinner at Juniors

Toys Are Us


We met up with Paul, who lives in NJ. He took the train in to walk around with us a bit. We really only had a short time with him as Peanut and I had tickets to see Mary Poppins on Broadway. It was my first Broadway play. I really enjoyed it. Peanut said that it was based more on the books than the movie. Now I really want to see another play. Maybe in the Fall I can talk my mom into taking a bus trip.

Before parting ways we walked down to FAO Schwarts, where Peanut actually tried out the floor keyboard.And no trip is complete without a stop at the Disney Store.

FAO Schwarts

On Broadway

Before catching the bus back to PA we had dinner at Bubba Gumps

Bubba Gumps

Finally, we caught our bus

That's it for our time in NYC. Part 2 will most likely be tomorrow or Sunday.

peanut's visit, winter vacation, nyc

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