For ryuutchi, a SPN/Dresden Files crossover ficlet
Oct 11, 2007 01:10
Because she has been incredibly patient while I've still failed to finish her Sweet Charity request. This was originally going to go somewhere in it, but didn't quite fit with the rest of the story.
Heh, thanks! I just don't know where to go with it from here-- (other than the obvious Dean/Murphy sexin' continuation) but I maybe come back to it at a later time. :)
Thanks! :D There'll be more SPN/Dresden Files coming, but probably of the gen type in the near future. But Dean/Murphy has possibilities, so I may come back and play with it sometime.
Comments 5
Deciding between Kincaid or Dean is A++++++++ I <3 Karrin.
Uhm. You wanted a coherent comment?
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